Friday, February 22, 2008

Chapter 5 Sleeping Beauty and a Kiss

Chapter 5 Sleeping Beauty and a Kiss

"Whats gonna happen to the cute man?" I heard Iyari ask someone as we picked him up again.

"Bring him to the nurse's station." Warren said. We placed him on the examining table.

"Parker get an ice pack for your wrist," Mallory said and walked over to Scotty lifting up his jeans to see his leg. He was bleeding, "I don't think its that bad but we should clean it out." she went over to the first aid cabinet pulling out the gauze and peroxide. I walked out of the nurse's room. Isabella was over near the girls bathroom wiping Iyari's face with a paper towel while Alessandro had started talking to some guy. I looked around on the floor and for the first time noticed all the blood.

"Mallory." I said and brought her out of the nurse's station.

"What's wrong?" she asked and I pointed at the floor. Mallory ran back over to Kevin and lifted up his shirt, his stitches were fine. "Scotty how badly were you bleeding?" she asked.

"Not bad." he said.

"Really," she pulled him to the entrance, "explain." She demanded pointing to the blood.

He looked from the blood to her, "Our mom." The Badias and the new guy were next to us now.

"Where is she?" Mallory asked.

"The cafeteria." he answered.

She nodded her head, "Whose been watching her?"

"Me." The mystery guy said, "Bomani Bestat."

"Well... what are you waiting for? Take me to her." Mallory snapped and he started toward the cafe with her on his heels.

"You guys go," Parker said to Warren and Scotty, "Me and Aaron'll watch him." she winked at me and as they took their leave.

"Yeah you guys can go too, me and them can watch the cute man." Iyari said to her parents. I stifled a laugh.

"She'll be fine." I said to her father. He nodded, and with his wife, followed the crowd to Mrs. Depkin.

"Is he ever gonna wake up?" Iyari asked, walking over to him and putting her hand on his.

"He'll be fine, he just needs rest." Parker said, smiling.

"Or maybe he just needs a kiss."

"What?" Parker asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at me obviously amused. I smiled a little, but it was half hearted I was worried about my step brother.

"You know like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty." she stopped a moment and then her face lit up like a light bulb in her small head went on, "You should kiss him." she said looking at Parker.

"No, I don't think so." Parker said stepping back from him and towards me.

"Why not? Aren't you a princess?" she asked her eyes all big and wide.

"Why would you think I'm a princess?" Parker was starting to feel cornered, and I was definitely enjoying watching her squirm.

"Well your pretty and um... your necklace." Iyari said nervously, as Parker glanced at her neck to see that she was wearing Courtney's princess chain. She looked at me for help. I threw my hands up in the air and looked at Iyari, smiling. "Please." she batted her eye lashes and as Parker rolled her eyes she walked over to Kevin and placed her lips on his.

When she came back up she looked at him and nothing then looked at Iyari, "See, Iyari those things are just stories. They've never happened. They're fake."

"Parker!" I shouted, not believing my ears. "Why would you say that?"

"Well maybe you just aren't a real princess." Iyari snapped walked up to the chair in the corner of the room slid it over to the examining table and stood on it to sit next to him on the table. She brushed a strand of hair lightly out of his face, "Wake up." she whispered and kissed him softly. When she pulled away I was heartbroken.

"Iyari." I said walking over to her.

"Open your eyes." she continued, holding the sides of his face and then kissing his cheek.

"Well it looks like you aren't a real--" Parker started as Kevin's eyes fluttered open. My jaw dropped and I looked over at an a equally shocked Parker.

"Who are you?" Kevin asked, and then looked over seeing me and Parker.

"Your princess." she said and smiled hugging him.

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