Lacheya POV
"I am going after her, so fuck you. You go look for Mallory and you go look for Aaron but what about me! What am I supposed to do! What am I supposed to do while the two of you go looking for the girl that I love! Huh! I get it she's your cousin and your going out there to look for her just as passionately as the two of you are going to look for the people you love but you'll be looking for them!" Kevin yelled, it was only Warren, Scotty, Kevin, Arden, Ronan, and I in the small room. Alessandro was with Bomani and Iyari, who Bomani had found hiding in a small cabinet. We had already come to a decision that Warren and Scotty were going to brave the world and search for Aaron, Mallory, and Parker. After further debate from me mostly I was added into the search party now Kevin and Arden were trying to join so Ronan was trying to talk some sense into his sister and Kevin was telling off Scott and Warren.
"We need you to stay behind Kevin, Alessandro isn't in the right frame of mind and since Isabella's death, Iyari relies on you. Who do you think is gonna take care of her? Bomani, he's a good cook but when things go south he tends to leave the scene and to hell with everyone else. Plus, do you really want Bomani here alone with Alessandro and Ronan. If Lacheya, Scott, and I aren't back in the five a lotted days. Bomani will leave without a second thought and then so will Alessandro and he'll take Iyari. So what that will leave what Ronan to go out and search for his sister, if she gets her way and by the looks of things she probably will." I glanced over Kevin's shoulder to see that Ronan was thinking things through Arden looked a little confident that she had made her point, "If your here you can buy us more time talk some sense into Alessandro and Bomani if they panic, calm Ronan down about his sister's well being. We need you here." Warren put his foot down.
Kevin had been staring at the floor for the second part of Warren's little speech and when he looked up I could tell he was holding back tears. Kevin wasn't a crier, not like Bomani. Well, no one was like Bomani. I could barely look the man in his face but I did, "It's not just her ya know, Aaron he's my brother and he's all I have those two are all I have."he was muttering now and I felt like I would start to cry myself. I remembered my brother's laugh, his smile, his frown. I remembered my mom's pasta sauce, her overwhelming kindness, her tears. My dad and his smell of smoke and paint. They were all dead and now all I had left were memories I didn't want that to be all Kevin would have of Parker or Aaron no matter how much that bitchy girl annoyed me or how much Aaron pissed me off. I grabbed a hold of Scotty's hand and held it tightly. He squeezed back.
"I'm in when do we go?" Arden asked as she sauntered over.
"Look I don't know if that is a good idea." Scotty started as Ronan left the room, obviously pissed.
"First of all I don't care, and secondly I have been here a good long while and in that time I still haven't found the best way to contribute around here and you better believe that I am going to help out one way or another and this is it. So I can either come on board with your blessings or you can all curse me under your breath but I am coming." Arden stated anger was in the edge of her voice and she was just waiting to overfill and spill over. She glared at Warren as if urging him to disagree but instead to my surprise he didn't he just nodded.
"So like she said, when do we leave?" I asked looking to each remaining person in the room.
"Now. Ronan went to fix up some supplies you'll need no doubt and get you the keys to the car." Kevin said and then he was on fire and took the bull by the horns, "Follow me." he said and the four of us did. We went to the supply closet which was once the computer lab but had been transformed into our sort of base of operations, and just like Kevin had said Ronan had picked out four back packs and was filling them with water, rations and a weapon each. Kevin opened a metal filing cabinet and pulled out three walkie talkies. "They cover a twenty mile radius I am on channel one, Warren you are on Two, and Arden you are on three. You guys have five days to track down Parker, Mallory and Aaron, if you aren't back by then I will try to buy you some time with the others, however I am sure that Ronan will go after you so, keep in contact with us once a day at the least and whenever you guys hit a new landmark or finish searching an area. Maybe even when you get a lead. you guys have plenty of battery so don't be afraid to use it and Lacheya will have a pack in her pack if either of you run out." Kevin stared around the room as if to think of anything else we may need. Then I saw a light bulb go on in his head. "Kitty," he said suddenly and left the room. I turned to Arden.
"You gonna be ready for this one girl?" I asked she had to be sure. She gave me a firm nod and I let the brothers talk in private for a minute. I still didn't know their full story although I did know more about Scotty than I knew about Warren. I knew for a fact that the three people that had run off on us are three most important people in their little world, and though their world was twisted and strange I was glad to be a part of it. When Kevin came back into the room Kitty strolled happily beside him. Kevin snatched a leash off a desk and then latched it onto Kitty's pink collar.
"I'll carry her food." Scott announced as Ronan started to put five cans into his bag.
"So I guess the race is on." Arden said.
"You leave today and tomorrow will count as day one." Kevin said and then started to help Ronan with the packing.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Chapter 19 Rushed and Rushed
Parker POV
"Okay so maybe running wasn't the best idea but I didn't hear you come up with anything better as we were rushing out of there!" I shouted back and I was right, so I had panicked big deal I am a girl and a girl's allowed to get a little freaked out after about twenty psychotics try to corner you and shred you apart.
"So you have no idea where we are?" Mallory asked me for like the millionth time. I wanted to hit her.
"No and guess what if we are still in this spot an hour from now, I STILL WON'T KNOW WHERE WE ARE!" I threw my arms up in the air, boy am I ever so pissed.
"Okay! I was just checking, seeing as you were the one pulling me the past what was it five miles!" Mallory was as angry as I was but I felt like I had more right to be. I went and saved her life and she was acting all snippety because she didn't know where she was, hmmph. In all fairness I was as lost as a kid in the grocery store but I didn't want to argue about it.
"Look Mal what do you want me to say, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight anymore. Plus I think all this screaming is going to draw attention to us." That was when I saw the most beautiful thing ever, "Mallory holy shit look a car!" Well actually it was a van and it was driving toward us, Mallory turned around to see my truth and then spun back to me a smile glued to her face.
"Look just let me do all the talking." Mallory said and though I was slightly offended I agreed. The van slowed about three feet from us and then two guys jumped out. Mallory jumped back as they surged toward us and the one guy grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me to him, sneering all the while. I kicked my foot hard at his shin and he let go and then raised my knee up to meet his face, when his body jolted upright I swung the back of my hand at his face connecting he staggered to the pavement as another man came out of the van. Mallory was taking care of the guy trying to abduct her she had her nails permanentley attached to sides of his face trying to peel the skin off his face like a Halloween mask. The guy that lunged from was in front of me so fast but I brought my leg up and kicked him square in the stomach then cocked my hand back and slapped him clear across the face he went to his knees. Yes, I cheered to myself, Stephanie McMahon Helmsely bitch slap. That was when I was taken by surprise from my rear and thrown in the van. My attacker was on top of me and pressing his body against mine. I screamed and then my hands were bound, my mouth was gagged and Mallory was next to me unconscious. I kicked with all my might and one of my attackers fell out of the car but I met a mean punch to the face soon afterward that subdued me quite a bit. My feet were tied now to and in the dark van I made out the shape of five men, one the driver and four others. A part of me felt a little proud of myself it had taken four men to bring down us two girls, but in the back of my head I knew that in the position we were in it would only take one of them to make either of us a victim. Where are you Kevin? I wondered.
"Okay so maybe running wasn't the best idea but I didn't hear you come up with anything better as we were rushing out of there!" I shouted back and I was right, so I had panicked big deal I am a girl and a girl's allowed to get a little freaked out after about twenty psychotics try to corner you and shred you apart.
"So you have no idea where we are?" Mallory asked me for like the millionth time. I wanted to hit her.
"No and guess what if we are still in this spot an hour from now, I STILL WON'T KNOW WHERE WE ARE!" I threw my arms up in the air, boy am I ever so pissed.
"Okay! I was just checking, seeing as you were the one pulling me the past what was it five miles!" Mallory was as angry as I was but I felt like I had more right to be. I went and saved her life and she was acting all snippety because she didn't know where she was, hmmph. In all fairness I was as lost as a kid in the grocery store but I didn't want to argue about it.
"Look Mal what do you want me to say, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight anymore. Plus I think all this screaming is going to draw attention to us." That was when I saw the most beautiful thing ever, "Mallory holy shit look a car!" Well actually it was a van and it was driving toward us, Mallory turned around to see my truth and then spun back to me a smile glued to her face.
"Look just let me do all the talking." Mallory said and though I was slightly offended I agreed. The van slowed about three feet from us and then two guys jumped out. Mallory jumped back as they surged toward us and the one guy grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me to him, sneering all the while. I kicked my foot hard at his shin and he let go and then raised my knee up to meet his face, when his body jolted upright I swung the back of my hand at his face connecting he staggered to the pavement as another man came out of the van. Mallory was taking care of the guy trying to abduct her she had her nails permanentley attached to sides of his face trying to peel the skin off his face like a Halloween mask. The guy that lunged from was in front of me so fast but I brought my leg up and kicked him square in the stomach then cocked my hand back and slapped him clear across the face he went to his knees. Yes, I cheered to myself, Stephanie McMahon Helmsely bitch slap. That was when I was taken by surprise from my rear and thrown in the van. My attacker was on top of me and pressing his body against mine. I screamed and then my hands were bound, my mouth was gagged and Mallory was next to me unconscious. I kicked with all my might and one of my attackers fell out of the car but I met a mean punch to the face soon afterward that subdued me quite a bit. My feet were tied now to and in the dark van I made out the shape of five men, one the driver and four others. A part of me felt a little proud of myself it had taken four men to bring down us two girls, but in the back of my head I knew that in the position we were in it would only take one of them to make either of us a victim. Where are you Kevin? I wondered.
Chapter 18 Man Versus Nature
Aaron POV
I raced forward, trying to catch up with Mal and Parker but terror was gripping them both and they were fast. I was keeping them in sight though not bothering to shout after either of them and wasting the precious little breath I had in my lungs. I was sweating and every inch of my body was pulsing with ache. I wished that Parker would stop. I wished that Mallory would tire of Parker's pulling and demand to rest. But that was stupid I knew they wouldn't stop, at least not Parker. Mallory was due break her stride the second she realized that Warren wasn't on her coat tail. They made a sudden sharp left at the end of the alley I had just turned down and I realized I was falling to far behind. I sped up reaching into my reserves and then I was tackled to the ground. Dust from the alley filled my face and I gagged on the grit in my mouth. I coughed and felt the sudden pain tear into my shoulder. Something was on top of me. I pushed off the ground and rolled over throwing my body weight on my attacker. It let go immediately with a yelp and when I staggered to my feet. I made eye contact with my enemy briefly a large half breed German Shepard and behind him a mixed array of new canine enemies. I instinctively reached for a broken broom handle that was discarded next to a small trash can, but my first foe snapped at me, which sent the others careening forward with ferocity. I spun around and bolted straight ahead, the pack of wild beast quick after me. I was in a race for my life.
When I reached the end of the alley I didn't turn left as Mallory and Parker had I stayed on the straight and narrow. My sneakers hitting the ground evenly and the adrenaline pumping through me with strain. I was going to drop where I was soon. I had to think. A small hole in a chain link fence offered me an escape, the fence was high maybe a good seven feet, odd for a backyard fence but I wasn't complaining. I slid forward like they had taught me to in baseball (rather Scotty had though his specialty was hockey he had excelled in a number of athletics and I had never taken to any like a duck in water so he often aided me in that department). I reached the fence and clambered through just as my first opponent's jaws enclosed around my ankle. I screamed out and in an instant I saw the discarded Heineken bottle laying on the ground shattered it against the concrete walk way and then drove a shard of glass into the neck of the animal. It shrieked in pain, and tried to retreat. However I grabbed a hold of it's ears and pulled it through on my side of the gate and slid the remainder of the shattered bottled into the dog's soft under belly. I yelp and then lay still. I let out a sigh of relief and looked at the gapping hole. There was a shed next to it and when I stood up ( I placed as little weight as I could on my now wounded left ankle) I tipped it over and blocked it up no barbaric dogs anytime soon. I thought and turned to the house in front of me. It was big and that was when I realized two things, 1) I had lost Mal and Parker, 2) I was lost.
The back yard wasn't very big but it was nice, with a paved walk way all the way up to the back porch steps. I started to limp my way up to the house trying to ignore the pain in my ankle. Thats when I hit my next problem the stairs. I sighed and then held onto the banister for support and pulled my way up awkwardly, until I was finally at the back door of the what was definitely and upper middle class home ( just like the one that Kevin and I lived in). I raised my hand about to knock on the back door, then stopped myself. It was probably best if I let myself inside. After all though it had been two months since The Day, psychotics still had a tendency of not answering back with a 'who is it?' but with a battle to the death something I was not in the mood for at the moment.
I turned the large silver painted door knob and pulled the door didn't budge. I twisted the door knob and pushed still nothing. I looked over at the windows on either side of the door and went to the one to my left. I peered inside, it was dark and dust seemed to cover ever surface including the window but, thats when I heard it. The song drifted to my ears and I was almost paralyzed. I lifted the window and sure enough whoever had locked the door had forgotten to worry about the windows. The music was louder now, and Sally's (the character from a Nightmare before Christmas) was coming from somewhere near by. I trudged out of the abandoned kitchen and toward the hall, bracing myself up on the wall. I was practically dragging my foot as I stepped into the living room and there he was.
He was small maybe around ten but I could tell by the look of him he hadn't changed clothes in a while. He had long hair probably because it had not been cut since The Day (unlike myself and the others who were forced to submit to either Parker or Mallory's will, and sometimes Lacheya they definitely liked to keep hair tidy) and from behind he looked dirty. In front of him was a small portable DVD player, where Sally seemed to be singing from. "Hi." I said after a minute of just staring at the strange boy.
He turned and looked at me with big dark charcoal colored eyes, which to tell you the truth scared the shit out of me. I wish at that moment I had the ability to run but my ankle hurt way to much to even think about it. The little boy stayed where he was and after about three minutes he went back to watching his movie. I looked over and walked rather lamely to a love seat and plopped down, giving my ill fated ankle some much needed relief. I pulled up my pant leg and took a look it seem alright but it hurt like hell, I definitely knew I had to clean it out and then the small boy was in front of me. I hadn't noticed but he had left the room and he had come back with (God bless him) a first aid kit. I smiled sweetly at him and started to open the kit that was very well stocked. I cleaned my wound with some alcohol and then wrapped it with some gauze. I put everything neatly in the box and the placed it on the floor beside my seat. When I glanced up the little boy was looking at me again and holding up his DVD player. "What?" I asked softly trying to sound nurturing, "Do you want me to watch it with you?" I asked. He nodded and jumped up onto the love seat along side me.
"My name is Aaron. Whats your's?" I whispered. He took my hand and with his finger spelled J-A-C-K. "Jack?" I asked and he nodded happily, "Can you talk Jack? I asked hopefully I really was never good at charades and if this was going to be an ongoing thing I wanted to know about it now.
Jack nodded his head as if talking was something only he could do, "Then why are you so quiet?" I asked and just then his eyes grew wide and he gripped my arm tightly, "Are you scared?" He nodded again even more furiously then the last time. I looked around the strange room, in the unknown house, away from my family and friends. "I'm scared too." I said and his grip tightened and the movie started from the beginning.
I raced forward, trying to catch up with Mal and Parker but terror was gripping them both and they were fast. I was keeping them in sight though not bothering to shout after either of them and wasting the precious little breath I had in my lungs. I was sweating and every inch of my body was pulsing with ache. I wished that Parker would stop. I wished that Mallory would tire of Parker's pulling and demand to rest. But that was stupid I knew they wouldn't stop, at least not Parker. Mallory was due break her stride the second she realized that Warren wasn't on her coat tail. They made a sudden sharp left at the end of the alley I had just turned down and I realized I was falling to far behind. I sped up reaching into my reserves and then I was tackled to the ground. Dust from the alley filled my face and I gagged on the grit in my mouth. I coughed and felt the sudden pain tear into my shoulder. Something was on top of me. I pushed off the ground and rolled over throwing my body weight on my attacker. It let go immediately with a yelp and when I staggered to my feet. I made eye contact with my enemy briefly a large half breed German Shepard and behind him a mixed array of new canine enemies. I instinctively reached for a broken broom handle that was discarded next to a small trash can, but my first foe snapped at me, which sent the others careening forward with ferocity. I spun around and bolted straight ahead, the pack of wild beast quick after me. I was in a race for my life.
When I reached the end of the alley I didn't turn left as Mallory and Parker had I stayed on the straight and narrow. My sneakers hitting the ground evenly and the adrenaline pumping through me with strain. I was going to drop where I was soon. I had to think. A small hole in a chain link fence offered me an escape, the fence was high maybe a good seven feet, odd for a backyard fence but I wasn't complaining. I slid forward like they had taught me to in baseball (rather Scotty had though his specialty was hockey he had excelled in a number of athletics and I had never taken to any like a duck in water so he often aided me in that department). I reached the fence and clambered through just as my first opponent's jaws enclosed around my ankle. I screamed out and in an instant I saw the discarded Heineken bottle laying on the ground shattered it against the concrete walk way and then drove a shard of glass into the neck of the animal. It shrieked in pain, and tried to retreat. However I grabbed a hold of it's ears and pulled it through on my side of the gate and slid the remainder of the shattered bottled into the dog's soft under belly. I yelp and then lay still. I let out a sigh of relief and looked at the gapping hole. There was a shed next to it and when I stood up ( I placed as little weight as I could on my now wounded left ankle) I tipped it over and blocked it up no barbaric dogs anytime soon. I thought and turned to the house in front of me. It was big and that was when I realized two things, 1) I had lost Mal and Parker, 2) I was lost.
The back yard wasn't very big but it was nice, with a paved walk way all the way up to the back porch steps. I started to limp my way up to the house trying to ignore the pain in my ankle. Thats when I hit my next problem the stairs. I sighed and then held onto the banister for support and pulled my way up awkwardly, until I was finally at the back door of the what was definitely and upper middle class home ( just like the one that Kevin and I lived in). I raised my hand about to knock on the back door, then stopped myself. It was probably best if I let myself inside. After all though it had been two months since The Day, psychotics still had a tendency of not answering back with a 'who is it?' but with a battle to the death something I was not in the mood for at the moment.
I turned the large silver painted door knob and pulled the door didn't budge. I twisted the door knob and pushed still nothing. I looked over at the windows on either side of the door and went to the one to my left. I peered inside, it was dark and dust seemed to cover ever surface including the window but, thats when I heard it. The song drifted to my ears and I was almost paralyzed. I lifted the window and sure enough whoever had locked the door had forgotten to worry about the windows. The music was louder now, and Sally's (the character from a Nightmare before Christmas) was coming from somewhere near by. I trudged out of the abandoned kitchen and toward the hall, bracing myself up on the wall. I was practically dragging my foot as I stepped into the living room and there he was.
He was small maybe around ten but I could tell by the look of him he hadn't changed clothes in a while. He had long hair probably because it had not been cut since The Day (unlike myself and the others who were forced to submit to either Parker or Mallory's will, and sometimes Lacheya they definitely liked to keep hair tidy) and from behind he looked dirty. In front of him was a small portable DVD player, where Sally seemed to be singing from. "Hi." I said after a minute of just staring at the strange boy.
He turned and looked at me with big dark charcoal colored eyes, which to tell you the truth scared the shit out of me. I wish at that moment I had the ability to run but my ankle hurt way to much to even think about it. The little boy stayed where he was and after about three minutes he went back to watching his movie. I looked over and walked rather lamely to a love seat and plopped down, giving my ill fated ankle some much needed relief. I pulled up my pant leg and took a look it seem alright but it hurt like hell, I definitely knew I had to clean it out and then the small boy was in front of me. I hadn't noticed but he had left the room and he had come back with (God bless him) a first aid kit. I smiled sweetly at him and started to open the kit that was very well stocked. I cleaned my wound with some alcohol and then wrapped it with some gauze. I put everything neatly in the box and the placed it on the floor beside my seat. When I glanced up the little boy was looking at me again and holding up his DVD player. "What?" I asked softly trying to sound nurturing, "Do you want me to watch it with you?" I asked. He nodded and jumped up onto the love seat along side me.
"My name is Aaron. Whats your's?" I whispered. He took my hand and with his finger spelled J-A-C-K. "Jack?" I asked and he nodded happily, "Can you talk Jack? I asked hopefully I really was never good at charades and if this was going to be an ongoing thing I wanted to know about it now.
Jack nodded his head as if talking was something only he could do, "Then why are you so quiet?" I asked and just then his eyes grew wide and he gripped my arm tightly, "Are you scared?" He nodded again even more furiously then the last time. I looked around the strange room, in the unknown house, away from my family and friends. "I'm scared too." I said and his grip tightened and the movie started from the beginning.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Chapter 17 One Door Closes, One Door Opens
Chapter 17 One Door Closes, One Door Opens
Iyari's P.O.V.
I banged on the shutter door after I heard Parker scream and I had to help them. Then suddenly I spun around as a loud noise filled the kitchen area a mess of pots fell to the floor crashing and clanging. I wasn't alone in the room. I crouched down and hid next to the serving ramp for the food, and kept quiet. Then I saw them three of them racing to the shutter door throwing their bodies onto it trying to crash it open. I put my hand over my mouth and scurried around to the back of the serving ramp watching them, for a minute and then trying to see if there was any way I could get out of this room. Maybe the way they came in. I glanced in that direction but didn't really see anything. I looked back at the psychotics but they weren't there. I crawled under the ramp. Where were they? I pulled my knees close to my body, and wrapped my arms tightly around myself holding my breath. I didn't want to move.
Suddenly a clammy hand reached over and pulled at my dress roughly. I went to stand hitting my head on the top of the ramp and more hands reached in grabbing hold of my ankle. I reached down and quickly let the Velcro detach from my shoe as they pulled it off. I looked up and could see the small empty tray chute that hadn't been used since I've gotten here and started to crawl forward. The grabbing didn't stop they kept reaching for me and reaching for me. I kept going. I was out of breath and then I was out from underneath the ramp. I pushed a small cart to my right and the crazies ran right into it collapsing onto the floor. I let out a small shriek and climbed onto a small plastic chair into the chute. I slid down and then climbed off of it. I looked around they would try to follow me in and then I saw it the red button. I had no idea what it would do but it was next to the chute and I was hoping that it would close it. I scampered over to the button and pressed it. Immediately the chute started to close. I looked around there was a door I ran over clicked the lock and then ran over to a small metal cabinet. I opened the door emptied out the files in the bottom shelf and slid inside sealing myself in.
Iyari's P.O.V.
I banged on the shutter door after I heard Parker scream and I had to help them. Then suddenly I spun around as a loud noise filled the kitchen area a mess of pots fell to the floor crashing and clanging. I wasn't alone in the room. I crouched down and hid next to the serving ramp for the food, and kept quiet. Then I saw them three of them racing to the shutter door throwing their bodies onto it trying to crash it open. I put my hand over my mouth and scurried around to the back of the serving ramp watching them, for a minute and then trying to see if there was any way I could get out of this room. Maybe the way they came in. I glanced in that direction but didn't really see anything. I looked back at the psychotics but they weren't there. I crawled under the ramp. Where were they? I pulled my knees close to my body, and wrapped my arms tightly around myself holding my breath. I didn't want to move.
Suddenly a clammy hand reached over and pulled at my dress roughly. I went to stand hitting my head on the top of the ramp and more hands reached in grabbing hold of my ankle. I reached down and quickly let the Velcro detach from my shoe as they pulled it off. I looked up and could see the small empty tray chute that hadn't been used since I've gotten here and started to crawl forward. The grabbing didn't stop they kept reaching for me and reaching for me. I kept going. I was out of breath and then I was out from underneath the ramp. I pushed a small cart to my right and the crazies ran right into it collapsing onto the floor. I let out a small shriek and climbed onto a small plastic chair into the chute. I slid down and then climbed off of it. I looked around they would try to follow me in and then I saw it the red button. I had no idea what it would do but it was next to the chute and I was hoping that it would close it. I scampered over to the button and pressed it. Immediately the chute started to close. I looked around there was a door I ran over clicked the lock and then ran over to a small metal cabinet. I opened the door emptied out the files in the bottom shelf and slid inside sealing myself in.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Chapter 16 Food Fight
Chapter 16 Food Fight
"Why do I always have to stay behind I can get food to." Iyari pouted after about waiting an hour for the others to come back from gathering nessaties.
"Well its dangerous sweetie and we just want to make sure that you stay safe." I answered her looking over at Parker, who was sitting next to the little girl.
"Aaron's right think of yourself as a treasure that him and I are put in charge of protecting." she added caressing her cheek. Iyari smiled.
"I like treasure especially the burried kind." she continued and then went back to reading her book. Parker and I were the only two there other than little Iyari and the others should be back at any minute.
"So what's been going on with you and Scotty? I mean the two of you have barely spoken this past week." Parker asked in a whisper.
"I don't know what's been going on with you and Kevin. You've both been very cozy with one another for the past two months." I hissed in response. Parker threw her hands in the air.
"Okay it was just a question. I just wish the two of you would - Watch out!"Parker grabbed Iyari and I sprung to my feet they had gotten in. I made my way around the table to Parker and Iyari and looked at the crowd of them that had some how gotten into the building.
"Parker get Iyari into the kitchen, and close the shutter." the kitchen area of the cafe had a metal shutter that slid down and could be closed and locked.
Parker nodded and Iyari held onto her. Iyari looked like she might cry. There were so many at least fifteen. I walked with Parker slowly and went over to the kitchen area and Parker let Iyari go and then they were off racing toward us. I pushed Iyari into the room and jumped up grabbing the latch and pulling down the steel shutter. Parker knelt down and locked the left latch, then she was on the floor being dragged into the group of them by her hair, screaming. I grabbed one of the chairs and swung it wildly trying to keep them at bay. Parker got away from the one who had her by the hair and had crawled under a table. A small group of the mob tore after her, flipping up the table she was under. Parker stayed on the moving backwards away from them. They flipped table after table overto get to her. I slammed the metal leg of the chair into the head of one of them and climbed onto one of the tables.
Parker stood up and pushed the last table she had slid under forward into the gut of one of the psychotics pinning him against the wall she pushed and pushed as blood leaked from his mid section and screams filled the room. Two of them grabbed at Parker flinging her onto the floor. She flew backwards sliding across the floor and slamming into the cafeteira doors. I jumped onto another table that buckled under my weight cracking in half. I tumbled forward next to Parker. She shook her head as I helped her off the floor. "Come on." I said as the mob came after us. She stood uneasily and we burst through the doors, sprinting through the school to the front office. Suddenly the front doors of the school opened and I could see Warren and Ronan. We sped up with the psychotics close behind. "Move!" I shouted as Parker and I made our way out of the school. Parker crashed into Mallory knocking her down as a wave of psychotics met our small group. Parker helped Mallory off the floor grabbed her hand and started to run away from the school. "Parker!" I called. She kept running Mallory being pulled along. I turned to see that Scotty had made his way to the front of the group and was currently mowing down the psychotics with a shot gun. I had to bring back Parker and Mal. I sprinted after them.
"Why do I always have to stay behind I can get food to." Iyari pouted after about waiting an hour for the others to come back from gathering nessaties.
"Well its dangerous sweetie and we just want to make sure that you stay safe." I answered her looking over at Parker, who was sitting next to the little girl.
"Aaron's right think of yourself as a treasure that him and I are put in charge of protecting." she added caressing her cheek. Iyari smiled.
"I like treasure especially the burried kind." she continued and then went back to reading her book. Parker and I were the only two there other than little Iyari and the others should be back at any minute.
"So what's been going on with you and Scotty? I mean the two of you have barely spoken this past week." Parker asked in a whisper.
"I don't know what's been going on with you and Kevin. You've both been very cozy with one another for the past two months." I hissed in response. Parker threw her hands in the air.
"Okay it was just a question. I just wish the two of you would - Watch out!"Parker grabbed Iyari and I sprung to my feet they had gotten in. I made my way around the table to Parker and Iyari and looked at the crowd of them that had some how gotten into the building.
"Parker get Iyari into the kitchen, and close the shutter." the kitchen area of the cafe had a metal shutter that slid down and could be closed and locked.
Parker nodded and Iyari held onto her. Iyari looked like she might cry. There were so many at least fifteen. I walked with Parker slowly and went over to the kitchen area and Parker let Iyari go and then they were off racing toward us. I pushed Iyari into the room and jumped up grabbing the latch and pulling down the steel shutter. Parker knelt down and locked the left latch, then she was on the floor being dragged into the group of them by her hair, screaming. I grabbed one of the chairs and swung it wildly trying to keep them at bay. Parker got away from the one who had her by the hair and had crawled under a table. A small group of the mob tore after her, flipping up the table she was under. Parker stayed on the moving backwards away from them. They flipped table after table overto get to her. I slammed the metal leg of the chair into the head of one of them and climbed onto one of the tables.
Parker stood up and pushed the last table she had slid under forward into the gut of one of the psychotics pinning him against the wall she pushed and pushed as blood leaked from his mid section and screams filled the room. Two of them grabbed at Parker flinging her onto the floor. She flew backwards sliding across the floor and slamming into the cafeteira doors. I jumped onto another table that buckled under my weight cracking in half. I tumbled forward next to Parker. She shook her head as I helped her off the floor. "Come on." I said as the mob came after us. She stood uneasily and we burst through the doors, sprinting through the school to the front office. Suddenly the front doors of the school opened and I could see Warren and Ronan. We sped up with the psychotics close behind. "Move!" I shouted as Parker and I made our way out of the school. Parker crashed into Mallory knocking her down as a wave of psychotics met our small group. Parker helped Mallory off the floor grabbed her hand and started to run away from the school. "Parker!" I called. She kept running Mallory being pulled along. I turned to see that Scotty had made his way to the front of the group and was currently mowing down the psychotics with a shot gun. I had to bring back Parker and Mal. I sprinted after them.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Taking awhile
New chapters have been written I just have not gotten around to posting them sorry for the wait I'll get them up as soon as I can sorry xoxo
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Chapter 15 Two Months Gone Bye

Chapter 15 Two Months Gone Bye

We buried Isabella and Alessandro has not been the same. He locked himself in the English lit room and comes out only to eat and do his business. Kevin has fully recuperated. Of the two dogs rescued only the middle sized dog (named Kitty by Iyari) survived the past two months. We've all become like family in some weird die if you don't trust the person next to you way, each of us bringing something to the table. Mallory has proved to be an amazing medic. Ronan drives the bus when we gather materials. Warren is still in the leadership position. Bomani has become quite the cook. Parker keeps us entertained with her blonder moments and she can sing like an angel. Scotty has become charged with weapons maintenance, shocker. I've sort of become a make shift councilor letting people cry on my shoulder. Iyari has most definitely kept things colorful painting all over the walls. Kevin has become janitor man maintaining the schools facilities and our motives of transportation. Lacheya is still a bitch but she is definitely and important part of our circle helping out any way she can. Arden is the only one who really hasn't found her niche.

The past two months have been different but uneventful. We haven't been attacked once since the dogs and we seem to be pretty safe, but the song plays in my head over and over like a broken record. I know something wicked this way comes.

Chapter 14 Dog Eat Dog
Chapter 14 Dog Eat Dog
Luckily the area was still pretty much deserted when we started to pack up the van. "We should have taken the school bus." Alessandro grunted shoving a duffel bag full of clothes into the trunk of Ronan and Arden's car.
"You know how to drive a bus?" Scotty snapped throwing a case of water into the trunk of the van.
"I do." Ronan perked up, drawing everyone's attention, "Well I mean my Mom was a bus driver. She kind of taught me." he smiled shyly. His sister rolled her eyes and sighed getting in the front passenger seat of her brother's car. "So, whose riding with us?" he asked.
"I will." I said walking over to his car, looking inside half the backseat was crammed with rations.
"You sure?" Scotty asked looking at Ronan suspiciously.
"Yeah." I said as he pulled me aside.
"I kind of wanted to keep an eye on you." he whispered his hand still grabbing onto my arm.
I just scoffed pulling my arm away, "Okay." I said sarcastically. "I'm riding with you." I shouted to Ronan, who nodded.
"Holy Shit!" he yelled suddenly pointing to the street where three dogs were being chased by a large pack of about fifteen.
"Christ." Mallory whispered as one of the crazed dogs leapt forward tackling the smallest dog of the three to the pavement. Lacheya got into the van and so did Alessandro. I watched as the biggest dog of the three turned and ran back to save the small one. He dove at the pack prying the small one loose, the middle dog stood there barking in terror, not knowing whether to run or aid his furry companions.
The pack started to tear at the big one as he yelped in pain, the small one limped over to the middle sized dog and watched the two barking as the big dog was ripped into pieces. "Crazy ass white people get in the damn car!" Lacheya screamed from inside the van only her, Alessandro, and Warren were in the van. I sped over to Ronan and his car and slid into the back seat.
"Fuck, did you see that those dogs just tore that other one apart!" Arden shrieked from the passenger seat. I looked out the back wind sheild. Mallory had opened the back of the van and had climbed in, Scotty had jumped into the car. Ronan finally got into the driver's seat and I watched as Mallory started to call the dogs.
"What the hell is she doing? Arden asked in disbelief. The small injured one and the mid-sized dog looked up and started toward the van. The pack was soon on their trail forgetting the carcus of the large dog. We stayed parked and then Ronan put the car in reverse backing up into the pack of dogs. They slammed into the car violently, Arden let out a small shriek and Ronan shifeted the car into drive. Speeding forward taking out two dogs. I turned and looked out my window seeing the small and middle sized dog jump into the trunk of the van as it drove behind us. I let out a sigh of relief and made a little mental reminder to beat the shit out of Mallory.
Luckily the area was still pretty much deserted when we started to pack up the van. "We should have taken the school bus." Alessandro grunted shoving a duffel bag full of clothes into the trunk of Ronan and Arden's car.
"You know how to drive a bus?" Scotty snapped throwing a case of water into the trunk of the van.
"I do." Ronan perked up, drawing everyone's attention, "Well I mean my Mom was a bus driver. She kind of taught me." he smiled shyly. His sister rolled her eyes and sighed getting in the front passenger seat of her brother's car. "So, whose riding with us?" he asked.
"I will." I said walking over to his car, looking inside half the backseat was crammed with rations.
"You sure?" Scotty asked looking at Ronan suspiciously.
"Yeah." I said as he pulled me aside.
"I kind of wanted to keep an eye on you." he whispered his hand still grabbing onto my arm.
I just scoffed pulling my arm away, "Okay." I said sarcastically. "I'm riding with you." I shouted to Ronan, who nodded.
"Holy Shit!" he yelled suddenly pointing to the street where three dogs were being chased by a large pack of about fifteen.
"Christ." Mallory whispered as one of the crazed dogs leapt forward tackling the smallest dog of the three to the pavement. Lacheya got into the van and so did Alessandro. I watched as the biggest dog of the three turned and ran back to save the small one. He dove at the pack prying the small one loose, the middle dog stood there barking in terror, not knowing whether to run or aid his furry companions.
The pack started to tear at the big one as he yelped in pain, the small one limped over to the middle sized dog and watched the two barking as the big dog was ripped into pieces. "Crazy ass white people get in the damn car!" Lacheya screamed from inside the van only her, Alessandro, and Warren were in the van. I sped over to Ronan and his car and slid into the back seat.
"Fuck, did you see that those dogs just tore that other one apart!" Arden shrieked from the passenger seat. I looked out the back wind sheild. Mallory had opened the back of the van and had climbed in, Scotty had jumped into the car. Ronan finally got into the driver's seat and I watched as Mallory started to call the dogs.
"What the hell is she doing? Arden asked in disbelief. The small injured one and the mid-sized dog looked up and started toward the van. The pack was soon on their trail forgetting the carcus of the large dog. We stayed parked and then Ronan put the car in reverse backing up into the pack of dogs. They slammed into the car violently, Arden let out a small shriek and Ronan shifeted the car into drive. Speeding forward taking out two dogs. I turned and looked out my window seeing the small and middle sized dog jump into the trunk of the van as it drove behind us. I let out a sigh of relief and made a little mental reminder to beat the shit out of Mallory.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Chapter 13 Scavengers
Chapter 13 Scavengers
Point of View Aaron
"Alright now everyone staying in pairs. Mallory and Aaron, Scotty and Lacheya, Alessandro your with me. Now remember what your here for the Wal-Mart is big, so don't get lost or separated. Mallory and Aaron clothes, Lacheya and Scotty food, Alessandro and I will check the place out for weapons." Warren ordered and the took off toward the tool department. I looked over at Scotty trying to read him but it was useless.
"We should get batteries too." Mallory said grabbing a cart and throwing almost the entire shelf into it.
"Yeah, fine." I said grabbing hold of my own cart and started to grab some children's clothes for Iyari.
"What do you think about bags?" Mallory asked walking over to the back packs and purses. "You know have everyone responsible for their own clothes and stuff."
I nodded and she started to pile a few different duffel bags, back packs, and purses into her cart. That's when I started to hear it, "Do you hear that?" I asked. Looking for where the tune was coming from.
"Hear what?" Mallory asked looking over at me, the song was so familiar. I grabbed a few t-shirts for the girls, and threw them into the cart looking toward the electronics department.
"Its coming from there." I said nodding toward the back of the store.
"What is?" she asked walking over to me and putting her hand on my shoulder, "Sweetie are you okay? You don't look so good."
"I know that song." I said walking to the back.
"Aaron, don't go." Mallory commanded, as I walked a few steps away from her.
The words drifted to my ears and in my head. The music was entrancing, something so familiar and foreign. I knew the words what she would sing next, the the music had already started but she hadn't begun to sing yet,
"I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend"
I sang the song barely above a whisper, my heart racing as I walked further toward the electronics department where I felt I was being pulled Mallory was talking trying to stop me but I kept going.
"And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be"
Scotty jumped into my mind as I walked further into the store leaving the carts behind. I felt like I was walking for an eternity, like everything around me was going in slow motion.
"What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last"
I reached my destination and saw it on the television Sally's Song, being sung by Fiona Apple. I watched the screen dance with color, as the song finished,
"And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one."
As the song finished a feeling washed over me, and dread filled my soul crushing my spirits to the ground. I turned to face Mallory. "What the hell was that?" She inquired.
"I don't know." I answered and then rushed forward pushing her to the ground as the man behind her went to swing the bat at her head. She hit the floor and the bat connected with my left shoulder I screamed out in pain as Mallory started to get to her feet. A girl jumped out from behind the cashier counter, and scurried over it to aid aid the guy who had hit me with the bat. He swung again but missed instead toppling over and destroying a large amount of Cd's. I moved down the next aisle clutching my shoulder as he swung again the girl tripped me and I fell hard onto the linoleum. I let out another scream as Scotty tackled the guy to the floor.
"Arden run!" the guy screamed and the girl went to take off but Mallory grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back throwing her onto the floor next to my attacker. Scotty stood up.
"Hold it!" he boomed and the girl and guy straightened up. "Your people?" Scotty asked looking confused as Warren and the others finally came.
"What the fuck are you talking about are we people? Of course we're fucking people!" the girl shouted. I stood.
"Arden," the guy said, "They aren't like the others." he said tugging on her shirt. She stared at Scotty a second and then cooled down, "I'm Ronan. This is Arden. Who the hell are you?" he asked.
"I'm Aaron." I said holding out a hand to help him up. He took it and then helped the girl up. He gave me a weary smile.
"I'm Scotty, that's Mallory, Warren, Lacheya, and Alessandro. Now why the hell did you attack our friend?" he spat fiercely.
"We thought he was one of those things." Arden piped in standing in front of her brother.
"Yeah well, I'm not." I said.
"You okay?" Scotty asked walking over to me and whispering his concerns I nodded and he touched my shoulder lightly. "You sure?" he questioned.
I nodded again, "I good." he nodded and walked over to his brother Mallory walked over to me sizing up Little Miss Hardcore Arden.
"Can you believe them?" she whispered to me.
"Yes." I said.
"So what are you guys doing here?" Warren asked, he was holding a hunting knife.
"We could ask you the same question you're the ones barging into our hiding place." Ronan answered.
"So what your staying here?" Lacheya asked.
"Thats what they said isn't it." I snapped rolling my eyes, I hate stupid people.
"Yeah, no, I mean so far yes but we only stayed the night. We were sorta figuring out what to do next." Ronan answered walking over to Warren. "Where are you guys headed?" he asked.
"The school a couple of us are held up there. We're just looking for some supplies food, clothes, weapons things like that." Warren said.
"Mind if we come with?" Ronan asked, looking over at his sister waiting for her objection.
Warren looked at the rest of us, "There's plenty of room at the school." I said, smiling as genuinely as possible.
Point of View Aaron
"Alright now everyone staying in pairs. Mallory and Aaron, Scotty and Lacheya, Alessandro your with me. Now remember what your here for the Wal-Mart is big, so don't get lost or separated. Mallory and Aaron clothes, Lacheya and Scotty food, Alessandro and I will check the place out for weapons." Warren ordered and the took off toward the tool department. I looked over at Scotty trying to read him but it was useless.
"We should get batteries too." Mallory said grabbing a cart and throwing almost the entire shelf into it.
"Yeah, fine." I said grabbing hold of my own cart and started to grab some children's clothes for Iyari.
"What do you think about bags?" Mallory asked walking over to the back packs and purses. "You know have everyone responsible for their own clothes and stuff."
I nodded and she started to pile a few different duffel bags, back packs, and purses into her cart. That's when I started to hear it, "Do you hear that?" I asked. Looking for where the tune was coming from.
"Hear what?" Mallory asked looking over at me, the song was so familiar. I grabbed a few t-shirts for the girls, and threw them into the cart looking toward the electronics department.
"Its coming from there." I said nodding toward the back of the store.
"What is?" she asked walking over to me and putting her hand on my shoulder, "Sweetie are you okay? You don't look so good."
"I know that song." I said walking to the back.
"Aaron, don't go." Mallory commanded, as I walked a few steps away from her.
The words drifted to my ears and in my head. The music was entrancing, something so familiar and foreign. I knew the words what she would sing next, the the music had already started but she hadn't begun to sing yet,
"I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend"
I sang the song barely above a whisper, my heart racing as I walked further toward the electronics department where I felt I was being pulled Mallory was talking trying to stop me but I kept going.
"And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be"
Scotty jumped into my mind as I walked further into the store leaving the carts behind. I felt like I was walking for an eternity, like everything around me was going in slow motion.
"What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last"
I reached my destination and saw it on the television Sally's Song, being sung by Fiona Apple. I watched the screen dance with color, as the song finished,
"And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one."
As the song finished a feeling washed over me, and dread filled my soul crushing my spirits to the ground. I turned to face Mallory. "What the hell was that?" She inquired.
"I don't know." I answered and then rushed forward pushing her to the ground as the man behind her went to swing the bat at her head. She hit the floor and the bat connected with my left shoulder I screamed out in pain as Mallory started to get to her feet. A girl jumped out from behind the cashier counter, and scurried over it to aid aid the guy who had hit me with the bat. He swung again but missed instead toppling over and destroying a large amount of Cd's. I moved down the next aisle clutching my shoulder as he swung again the girl tripped me and I fell hard onto the linoleum. I let out another scream as Scotty tackled the guy to the floor.
"Arden run!" the guy screamed and the girl went to take off but Mallory grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back throwing her onto the floor next to my attacker. Scotty stood up.
"Hold it!" he boomed and the girl and guy straightened up. "Your people?" Scotty asked looking confused as Warren and the others finally came.
"What the fuck are you talking about are we people? Of course we're fucking people!" the girl shouted. I stood.
"Arden," the guy said, "They aren't like the others." he said tugging on her shirt. She stared at Scotty a second and then cooled down, "I'm Ronan. This is Arden. Who the hell are you?" he asked.
"I'm Aaron." I said holding out a hand to help him up. He took it and then helped the girl up. He gave me a weary smile.
"I'm Scotty, that's Mallory, Warren, Lacheya, and Alessandro. Now why the hell did you attack our friend?" he spat fiercely.
"We thought he was one of those things." Arden piped in standing in front of her brother.
"Yeah well, I'm not." I said.
"You okay?" Scotty asked walking over to me and whispering his concerns I nodded and he touched my shoulder lightly. "You sure?" he questioned.
I nodded again, "I good." he nodded and walked over to his brother Mallory walked over to me sizing up Little Miss Hardcore Arden.
"Can you believe them?" she whispered to me.
"Yes." I said.
"So what are you guys doing here?" Warren asked, he was holding a hunting knife.
"We could ask you the same question you're the ones barging into our hiding place." Ronan answered.
"So what your staying here?" Lacheya asked.
"Thats what they said isn't it." I snapped rolling my eyes, I hate stupid people.
"Yeah, no, I mean so far yes but we only stayed the night. We were sorta figuring out what to do next." Ronan answered walking over to Warren. "Where are you guys headed?" he asked.
"The school a couple of us are held up there. We're just looking for some supplies food, clothes, weapons things like that." Warren said.
"Mind if we come with?" Ronan asked, looking over at his sister waiting for her objection.
Warren looked at the rest of us, "There's plenty of room at the school." I said, smiling as genuinely as possible.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Chapter 12 Second String Sees Some Action
Chapter 12 Second String Sees Some Action
Point of View Parker
Watching Aaron and the others leave me behind felt strange I had been beside them since the whole crazyness thing started. They had given me the keys for safe keeping and I don't think that the others were to pleased about it. I smiled at Kevin who walked slowly up to me and wrapped his arm around me, "It'll be fine. They'll be fine." he said as we walked back to the cafeteria. We all just sort of sat there looking at one another Isabella kept Iyari on a tight leash not letting her get particularly close to anyone. Bomani looked lonely but hell if I was going to comfort him I mean please, I'm not running a loser out reach program. Then all of a sudden we heard a loud squeal and the lights went out. I heard Isabella scream and Iyari was suddenly at my side with Kevin.
"Stay calm." Kevin shouted, "The generator just ran out of gas." he whispered.
"Are you sure I mean Lacheya said that it would last us another six hours." Bomani said standing up from his seat and walking over to Kevin and I.
"Yeah, well. . . that was a guess and if you think it is something else why don't you stick your head outside and take a peak, asshole." Kevin hissed sharply.
"Fine." I said standing up from my spot on the floor and brushing the dirt off the back of my pants. "I'll go. It'll take what five minutes tops if I don't come back then you have one less person to worry about." I joked walking toward the double doors.
"Wait, I will go with you." Isabella said looking at her daughter clinging to Kevin's leg.
"Coolsness girl power." I said and then turned to Bomani, "Could you come with us I'd feel trey safer with a guy coming out there too."
"I'll go." Kevin said and Iyari eyes bulged from her head her grip tightening on his leg.
"I don't think so stitches." I said winking at him.
"I'll go its okay." Bomani said and nodded at me. The three of us walked out of the cafeteria and to the double doors that exited the school. I took the keys out of my pocket took a deeep breath and slid them into the lock clicking it open and then pushing the doors. The swung open loudly and I jumped. Bomani put his hand on my shoulder and then stepped out ahead of me taking the lead. I grabbed his arm lightly and then Isabella reached out for my hand. The three of us walked out of the school slowly. When the three of us walked out I stopped turned and locked the door.
"What is you doing?" Isabella asked me.
"We don't want a repeat of yesterday do we? I mean espeacially since Kevin and Iyari are alone." I said and locked the door sliding the keys in my pocket. I took another deep breath and then clung to Bomani again. We walked over to the side of the school where the generator was, a huge fence surrounding it.
"Eww." I squealed as we reached it and finally seeing what had stopped the machine. A cat had some how crawled into the machine and had wiggled its way into some part of it mangling its body in the generator.
"Dios Mio." Isabella said turning away.
"I think I can fix it if I pull the poor thing out." Bomani said, walking to the fence, when Isabella tugged on my shirt.
I turned to her and then I saw them all watching us there had to be at least fifty of them. Just sitting there, looking at us. "Bomani." I whispered and when he turned around he saw all of them too, the cats.
"Maybe we should wait for the others to get back." he said as I walked away from the pack of felines.
"Come on." I said as Isabella and Bomani stood there staring back at the cats. "Come on." I repeated walking backwards toward the school entrance, which now seemed far. The cats started to stand one by one and thats when I took off. My arms sashaying from side to side. My legs pumping hard to get to the locked doors. I turned to see Bomani a few feet behind me and Isabella falling to the pavement, but to hell if I was going back for her.
I slammed hard into the doors and reached into my pocket grabbing the keys and the cats started to jump on top of Bomani and Isabella. Bomani was so close to me and Isabella was trying to get them off of her. I dropped the keys as a cat that Bomani flung hit the wall close the me. Picking them up I opened slid them in the keyhole and unlocked the door. I ran inside and shouted, "Come on!"Bomani dove into the school with about five cats still clinging to him. I went over to him as he slid one off of him and toward the door. I opened the door and closed it on the hissing animal, locking the door keeping it in place and crushing it in half. Kevin came out of the caf and I could see Iyari looking in horror. Kevin swung the pipe that had been pulled from my aunt the day before connecting it to the ribs of one of the cats it meowed loudly as I kicked one off of Bomani who now stood up and the other two hissed and ran off into the school. "Don't let them get away!" I shouted as Kevin through the pipe to Bomani and sank to the floor clutching his side. I went to him and placed my hand on his forehead as Iyari ran from the cafeteria.
"Are you okay?" We both asked.
"Yeah just... Its nothing. Just go with him." He told me when a bang on the door made me jump. Kevin stood slowly clutching Iyari for support and walking back into the caf as I walked over to the door. The cat that was pinned in place was dead. I looked up out of the small glass window in the top center of the door and saw Isabella near the door, the cats all around her. She was dead.
Point of View Parker
Watching Aaron and the others leave me behind felt strange I had been beside them since the whole crazyness thing started. They had given me the keys for safe keeping and I don't think that the others were to pleased about it. I smiled at Kevin who walked slowly up to me and wrapped his arm around me, "It'll be fine. They'll be fine." he said as we walked back to the cafeteria. We all just sort of sat there looking at one another Isabella kept Iyari on a tight leash not letting her get particularly close to anyone. Bomani looked lonely but hell if I was going to comfort him I mean please, I'm not running a loser out reach program. Then all of a sudden we heard a loud squeal and the lights went out. I heard Isabella scream and Iyari was suddenly at my side with Kevin.
"Stay calm." Kevin shouted, "The generator just ran out of gas." he whispered.
"Are you sure I mean Lacheya said that it would last us another six hours." Bomani said standing up from his seat and walking over to Kevin and I.
"Yeah, well. . . that was a guess and if you think it is something else why don't you stick your head outside and take a peak, asshole." Kevin hissed sharply.
"Fine." I said standing up from my spot on the floor and brushing the dirt off the back of my pants. "I'll go. It'll take what five minutes tops if I don't come back then you have one less person to worry about." I joked walking toward the double doors.
"Wait, I will go with you." Isabella said looking at her daughter clinging to Kevin's leg.
"Coolsness girl power." I said and then turned to Bomani, "Could you come with us I'd feel trey safer with a guy coming out there too."
"I'll go." Kevin said and Iyari eyes bulged from her head her grip tightening on his leg.
"I don't think so stitches." I said winking at him.
"I'll go its okay." Bomani said and nodded at me. The three of us walked out of the cafeteria and to the double doors that exited the school. I took the keys out of my pocket took a deeep breath and slid them into the lock clicking it open and then pushing the doors. The swung open loudly and I jumped. Bomani put his hand on my shoulder and then stepped out ahead of me taking the lead. I grabbed his arm lightly and then Isabella reached out for my hand. The three of us walked out of the school slowly. When the three of us walked out I stopped turned and locked the door.
"What is you doing?" Isabella asked me.
"We don't want a repeat of yesterday do we? I mean espeacially since Kevin and Iyari are alone." I said and locked the door sliding the keys in my pocket. I took another deep breath and then clung to Bomani again. We walked over to the side of the school where the generator was, a huge fence surrounding it.
"Eww." I squealed as we reached it and finally seeing what had stopped the machine. A cat had some how crawled into the machine and had wiggled its way into some part of it mangling its body in the generator.
"Dios Mio." Isabella said turning away.
"I think I can fix it if I pull the poor thing out." Bomani said, walking to the fence, when Isabella tugged on my shirt.
I turned to her and then I saw them all watching us there had to be at least fifty of them. Just sitting there, looking at us. "Bomani." I whispered and when he turned around he saw all of them too, the cats.
"Maybe we should wait for the others to get back." he said as I walked away from the pack of felines.
"Come on." I said as Isabella and Bomani stood there staring back at the cats. "Come on." I repeated walking backwards toward the school entrance, which now seemed far. The cats started to stand one by one and thats when I took off. My arms sashaying from side to side. My legs pumping hard to get to the locked doors. I turned to see Bomani a few feet behind me and Isabella falling to the pavement, but to hell if I was going back for her.
I slammed hard into the doors and reached into my pocket grabbing the keys and the cats started to jump on top of Bomani and Isabella. Bomani was so close to me and Isabella was trying to get them off of her. I dropped the keys as a cat that Bomani flung hit the wall close the me. Picking them up I opened slid them in the keyhole and unlocked the door. I ran inside and shouted, "Come on!"Bomani dove into the school with about five cats still clinging to him. I went over to him as he slid one off of him and toward the door. I opened the door and closed it on the hissing animal, locking the door keeping it in place and crushing it in half. Kevin came out of the caf and I could see Iyari looking in horror. Kevin swung the pipe that had been pulled from my aunt the day before connecting it to the ribs of one of the cats it meowed loudly as I kicked one off of Bomani who now stood up and the other two hissed and ran off into the school. "Don't let them get away!" I shouted as Kevin through the pipe to Bomani and sank to the floor clutching his side. I went to him and placed my hand on his forehead as Iyari ran from the cafeteria.
"Are you okay?" We both asked.
"Yeah just... Its nothing. Just go with him." He told me when a bang on the door made me jump. Kevin stood slowly clutching Iyari for support and walking back into the caf as I walked over to the door. The cat that was pinned in place was dead. I looked up out of the small glass window in the top center of the door and saw Isabella near the door, the cats all around her. She was dead.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Chapter 11 We're Going Shopping!
Chapter 11 We're Going Shopping!
"Yeah!" Kevin shouted clapping his hands together loudly as Iyari skipped around the cafeteria.
"Yippy!" the little girl shrieked over and over again. Parker giggled and Bomani punched his fist up in the air. I smiled and Scotty walked into the caf. I got up from my seat and walked over to him.
"Hey." I said and he raised an eyebrow at me, shrugging me away. I stopped in my tracks, as he walked over to the seat Kevin had just gotten out of and spooned mac and cheese onto an empty tray. Mallory who was about to leave the caf when the lights turned on had seen Scotty's reaction to me and gave me a puzzled look, that to me said Aaron, wada fuck? I walked over to her. She placed her hand on my shoulder as Scotty started to shovel food in his mouth. Warren and Laceya walked into the caf next followed by Alessandro.
"We have enough gas to run it for about another six hours." Warren said.
"How do you know?" Kevin asked.
"The bar I worked at had a generator we ran it a couple a times last year during that snow storm. This is a bigger model so I'm guessing we got more time." Lacheya said walking over to Kevin and flicking him on the forehead and then hopping onto the table that we had all been eating on minutes ago and closer to Scotty then I liked.
"Para Iyari eso o te voy a sonar haste que tu culo se pone rojo!" Isabella shouted grabbing her daughter who was skipping past her at the time and grabbing her arm roughly. I had no idea what she said but Iyari seemed to because she suddenly looked like she was on the verge of tears.
Lacheya placed her hand on Scotty's shoulder and for a second I thought I would pounce on her. In my head I was leaving her stranded in the middle of no where instead of Isabella. Howeve I quickly regained my self respect and left the cafeteria. Mallory followed me out and i wanted to scream.
"What was that?" Mallory asked obviously as shocked at Scotty's behavior as I was.
"I don't know and do you wanna know why I don't know its because I'm a complete idiot. For real I fooled myself into thinking that Scott was starting to have feelings for me and you wanna know why?" I asked.
"Sweetie not really your starting to get a little loud." Mallory said and turned around to look in the cafeteira to see if anyone was looking at us.
"You know what you're right." I announced throwing my hands up in the air, "I am just gonna forget it I mean it was a great night peaceful and one I will rememeber till I die which could be sooner than I planned but that's besides the point. The point is that I am going to march back into that caf and be unphased." I took a deep breath and walked back into the cafeteria. I had that creeping feeling in my gut that everyone had just been talking about me so I sat down at a table near a corner and Mallory sat next to me. I smiled at Parker and she flashed me a pearly white grin.
"So," Warren started, " I was thinking that we should probably head out and get some supplies I mean other people are going to start to soon and the sooner we go the better chance we have at finding things that will be some what helpful." he looked at all of us and then went on, "So here's the plan I was thinking that it would be me, Alessandro, Scotty, Lacheya, and Isabella. The rest of you guys stay here."
"No way, my wife stays here!" Alessandro shouted.
"Um I'm sorry what about me?" I asked standing from my seat.
"I'm not leaving my daughter alone with a bunch of people I just meeting yesterday." Isabella screamed out.
"I mean I think I can hold my own way better than Lacheya can." I said.
"No you would never leave her alone, like last night in the nurses station with Kevin, Parker, and Aaron." Mallory spat.
"Shut the hell up you don't have clues what your talking about!" Isabella yelled. Mallory stood up.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Lacheya questioned looking at me.
"It means I only had to save your ass yesterday." I said fiercely.
"You did not just go there!" Lacheya yelled starting to walk toward me.
"I know you're probably thinking I didn't go there but I so totally just did. Bitch." I said not backing down as she got in my face.
"My wife is not going!" Alessandro shouted.
"Well I am!" Mallory shouted back trying to out shout everyone.
"Okay! Okay!" Warren screamed and then whistled sharply getting everyone's attention, "I see we aren't happy with the plan. Thats fine. Isabella your stayng Aaron you're coming does that settle it."
"No." Mallory snapped folding her arms.
"Fine Mallory you can come too, Christ." Warren said caving.
Nobody said anything for a while until Parker opened her mouth, "I kinda wanna go shopping."
"Yeah!" Kevin shouted clapping his hands together loudly as Iyari skipped around the cafeteria.
"Yippy!" the little girl shrieked over and over again. Parker giggled and Bomani punched his fist up in the air. I smiled and Scotty walked into the caf. I got up from my seat and walked over to him.
"Hey." I said and he raised an eyebrow at me, shrugging me away. I stopped in my tracks, as he walked over to the seat Kevin had just gotten out of and spooned mac and cheese onto an empty tray. Mallory who was about to leave the caf when the lights turned on had seen Scotty's reaction to me and gave me a puzzled look, that to me said Aaron, wada fuck? I walked over to her. She placed her hand on my shoulder as Scotty started to shovel food in his mouth. Warren and Laceya walked into the caf next followed by Alessandro.
"We have enough gas to run it for about another six hours." Warren said.
"How do you know?" Kevin asked.
"The bar I worked at had a generator we ran it a couple a times last year during that snow storm. This is a bigger model so I'm guessing we got more time." Lacheya said walking over to Kevin and flicking him on the forehead and then hopping onto the table that we had all been eating on minutes ago and closer to Scotty then I liked.
"Para Iyari eso o te voy a sonar haste que tu culo se pone rojo!" Isabella shouted grabbing her daughter who was skipping past her at the time and grabbing her arm roughly. I had no idea what she said but Iyari seemed to because she suddenly looked like she was on the verge of tears.
Lacheya placed her hand on Scotty's shoulder and for a second I thought I would pounce on her. In my head I was leaving her stranded in the middle of no where instead of Isabella. Howeve I quickly regained my self respect and left the cafeteria. Mallory followed me out and i wanted to scream.
"What was that?" Mallory asked obviously as shocked at Scotty's behavior as I was.
"I don't know and do you wanna know why I don't know its because I'm a complete idiot. For real I fooled myself into thinking that Scott was starting to have feelings for me and you wanna know why?" I asked.
"Sweetie not really your starting to get a little loud." Mallory said and turned around to look in the cafeteira to see if anyone was looking at us.
"You know what you're right." I announced throwing my hands up in the air, "I am just gonna forget it I mean it was a great night peaceful and one I will rememeber till I die which could be sooner than I planned but that's besides the point. The point is that I am going to march back into that caf and be unphased." I took a deep breath and walked back into the cafeteria. I had that creeping feeling in my gut that everyone had just been talking about me so I sat down at a table near a corner and Mallory sat next to me. I smiled at Parker and she flashed me a pearly white grin.
"So," Warren started, " I was thinking that we should probably head out and get some supplies I mean other people are going to start to soon and the sooner we go the better chance we have at finding things that will be some what helpful." he looked at all of us and then went on, "So here's the plan I was thinking that it would be me, Alessandro, Scotty, Lacheya, and Isabella. The rest of you guys stay here."
"No way, my wife stays here!" Alessandro shouted.
"Um I'm sorry what about me?" I asked standing from my seat.
"I'm not leaving my daughter alone with a bunch of people I just meeting yesterday." Isabella screamed out.
"I mean I think I can hold my own way better than Lacheya can." I said.
"No you would never leave her alone, like last night in the nurses station with Kevin, Parker, and Aaron." Mallory spat.
"Shut the hell up you don't have clues what your talking about!" Isabella yelled. Mallory stood up.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Lacheya questioned looking at me.
"It means I only had to save your ass yesterday." I said fiercely.
"You did not just go there!" Lacheya yelled starting to walk toward me.
"I know you're probably thinking I didn't go there but I so totally just did. Bitch." I said not backing down as she got in my face.
"My wife is not going!" Alessandro shouted.
"Well I am!" Mallory shouted back trying to out shout everyone.
"Okay! Okay!" Warren screamed and then whistled sharply getting everyone's attention, "I see we aren't happy with the plan. Thats fine. Isabella your stayng Aaron you're coming does that settle it."
"No." Mallory snapped folding her arms.
"Fine Mallory you can come too, Christ." Warren said caving.
Nobody said anything for a while until Parker opened her mouth, "I kinda wanna go shopping."
Friday, March 21, 2008
Chapter 10 News Flash Politics
Chapter 10 News Flash Politics
When I walked into the cafeteria I was starving, my stomach lurched as I saw a tray of hot macaroni and cheese that was already half devoured. "Oh my God how did you? Who?" I asked walking over to the table everyone was seated around. Mallory and I sat next to one another, she was on my left and Kevin on my right. Kevin nodded his head over to the kitchen area and Bomani walked out.
"There are like nine already made you just gotta heat them up." Bomani smiled. Mallory and I pulled a Styrofoam tray next to us and piled as much as we could on them with the ladel. I opened the plastic package that held my spork and I started to eat. Bomani then passed Mallory and I cans of coke. "from the vending machines." he said. "We raided them earlier to take stock on what we had."
I smiled at him and looked over at Kevin, "Are you good?" he smirked and nodded.
"I'll be fine." he said and ate a mouthful of macaroni.
"Where's Lacheya?" I asked looking around the table and not seeing her, or Alessandro but since our altercation last night I thought it best not to bring him up.
"Probably still trying to figure out how to get the generator started. The power went out right after I cooked the mac and cheese." Bomani answered sitting next to Parker.
"They're calling it an outbreak of insanity. Last time I checked the news." Parker said.
"So I guess Warren had it right last night." Mallory said.
Kevin scoffed, "If you ask me that just means the reporters know just as much about whats going on as Warren." Mallory rolled her eyes, and took a sip from her soda can.
"They um, also started to mutate themselves." Parker added.
"Mutilate." Kevin corrected her.
"Right, isn't that what I said?" Parker asked and Mallory and I just stared at them.
"What do you mean mutilate themselves, are they like killing each other now cause that would be good?" Mal asked, glancing at Kevin.
"No, they're still a well oiled machine and mutilate like ripping their own faces apart, peeling them off."
"Yuck."Iyari blurted out startling most everyone at the table, "No faces." she said and Isabella glared at Kevin.
"Don't worry pretty I'll keep you safe." Kevin said, smiling at her and I was shocked again at how sweet Kevin was being to her. Usually, he treated kids under thirteen as non existent or badly.
"I know, you and my mommy and my daddy." she smiled, and shoved a sporkful of mac and cheese in her mouth.
"What else?" I asked.
"Well its not just us I mean its world wide. Its everywhere, the news was like in a panic. I saw this footage that was like in Romania or something and it was like oh my God. There were all these people trying to get evacuated to a safe area that the military designated when the psychotics just came out of no where ripping people apart. It was trey creepy." Parker stopped and looked at Kevin grabbing hold of his hand, "I am so like super happy to be in here where its safe."
"Real safe, last night a bunch of those freaks got in." Mallory said looking at Isabella when she said this. Who then stood up, and left the table, and her daughter.
"I'll go talk to her." Bomani said excusing himself and jogging after Isabella.
"Parker could you go get some sodas with Iyari?" Mallory asked, raising her eyebrows. Parker nodded and stood up taking Iyari with her.
"We need to get rid of her." Mallory said looking over at Iyari, "She's a liability."
"Fuck you bitch! She's like six I'm not letting anything happen to her!" Kevin shouted out, standing up.
"What? I'm talking about her mother, Isabella. Did you think I was talking about Iyari?" she asked, Kevin got quiet and sat down. Mallory shook her head and continued in a whisper, "Here's what I'm thinking we're gonna need supplies batteries, weapons, food, gas, things like that and when we do we leave her where ever the hell we are and that's that. What do you think? I mean think about it Alessandro is an asset, he's strong but in a fight he's always trying to save Isabella who yet again gets herself in trouble."
"Mallory, look I get she's a bitch and you don't like her but she's a person we can't just leave her some where and just let those things get her." Kevin muttered looking over his shoulder.
"Look the only people I care about is us, and when I say us I mean Parker, you, this slut over here," she nudged to me, "Warren and Scotty. That's it, end of story." Mallory moved her seat back stood up and walked from the table. "I'm gonna do it, are you two in or not?" I looked at my brother and then back at Mal. Kevin was unsure, hell I was unsure. I didn't want to do this. However, Mallory had a point. Isabella walked in with Bomani then.
"We'll talk later." Mallory said and pushed past Isabella, that's when the lights came back on.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Chapter 9 The Morning After Pill
Chapter 9 The Morning After Pill
"Morning." the whisper woke me, but not one of those startled wakes from slumber, the kind you wish you woke up like each time you fall to sleep. It was a peaceful declaration. I smiled smirked and opened my eyes, and he was the first thing I saw. I yawned and he scoffed. He put his arm on my shoulder leaned in and kissed me on the neck. That was the first time he kissed me. When he pulled away I looked him in the eye, and smiled. He stood up.
"Where are you going?" I asked standing with him.
"I have to talk to Warren, last night with you was unbelievable. Sleep with me again tonght?" he asked reaching for my hand, I let him take it and nodded.
"Good, you should go find Kevin. See how he's doing." Scott jumped off the stage and walked out of the classroom, as I started to walk off the stage Mallory walked in.
"So what happen?" she asked practically jumping up and down.
"Nothing." I said and sat on the teacher's desk.
"Really?" she asked and sat next to me.
"Really, we just laid there. He held me, and we talked for like a second. He did say that I was important to him though." I said smiling.
"Yay you." Mallory said hugging me, thats when it hit me.
"Oh my God! Mallory you had sex last night!" I nearly screamed.
"Keep your voice down. One, Warren and Scotty are right outside the room, two, yes, and three, what is did I get like a stamp on my forehead that says finally gave it up. Jesus." She flipped her hair.
"Did you guys use a condom?" I asked.
"Um brainiac its not like condoms are in supply on demand. Besides its not like he has anything and it was my first time so... whatever." she said, nervously.
"Uh disease, isn't the only reason you wear a condom. What if you get pregnant?" I asked as the smile on my face faded, and then felt a harsh slap on the back of my head.
"Don't scare me. God. I'm freaked out enough losing my virginity and then you have to be all safety first on me. Can't we just talk about it?" she asked, "I mean I want to talk to about it like yesterday didn't happen, like we haven't barricaded ourselves in the school. Okay?" she looked sad, and though I was still terrified about what today had in store I knew moments like this were going to be rare, so I smiled again and nodded my head. "Okay so it was scary but he was really like gentle you know. Sweet." she looked lost in a memory for a minute and then snapped out of it. "It just sort of happened you know, one minute we were talking about his mom and the next he was inside me." she smiled and I realized then that if someone had walked in we'd look very foolish with our stupid 'Lucky Us' grins on. "So are you and Scott gonna do it?" she asked abruptly.
"What? Sweets he just last night admitted that I was important to him and that isn't exactly a declaration of love." I replied hopping off the desk and walking towards the classroom door.
"Okay, my bad." she said and followed me out of the classroom. Warren was standing there and Mallory winked at him. He looked up and forced a smile.
"What's wrong?" she asked placing her arm around his shoulder.
"I told Scotty about mom this morning." he said.
"What about her?" I asked.
"Bomani and I burried her under the tree in the front of the school." Warren answered.
"And you didn't tell him. Didn't wake him up?" I asked, raising my voice.
"I was going to but when I walked in the room I saw him... with you. It threw me off." he said looking at the floor and then turned away leaving me and Mallory standing there.
"Shit." I muttered.
"Look don't freak out about this. Lets go to the caf everyone's there." Mallory nudged my shoulder, and we walked together.
"Morning." the whisper woke me, but not one of those startled wakes from slumber, the kind you wish you woke up like each time you fall to sleep. It was a peaceful declaration. I smiled smirked and opened my eyes, and he was the first thing I saw. I yawned and he scoffed. He put his arm on my shoulder leaned in and kissed me on the neck. That was the first time he kissed me. When he pulled away I looked him in the eye, and smiled. He stood up.
"Where are you going?" I asked standing with him.
"I have to talk to Warren, last night with you was unbelievable. Sleep with me again tonght?" he asked reaching for my hand, I let him take it and nodded.
"Good, you should go find Kevin. See how he's doing." Scott jumped off the stage and walked out of the classroom, as I started to walk off the stage Mallory walked in.
"So what happen?" she asked practically jumping up and down.
"Nothing." I said and sat on the teacher's desk.
"Really?" she asked and sat next to me.
"Really, we just laid there. He held me, and we talked for like a second. He did say that I was important to him though." I said smiling.
"Yay you." Mallory said hugging me, thats when it hit me.
"Oh my God! Mallory you had sex last night!" I nearly screamed.
"Keep your voice down. One, Warren and Scotty are right outside the room, two, yes, and three, what is did I get like a stamp on my forehead that says finally gave it up. Jesus." She flipped her hair.
"Did you guys use a condom?" I asked.
"Um brainiac its not like condoms are in supply on demand. Besides its not like he has anything and it was my first time so... whatever." she said, nervously.
"Uh disease, isn't the only reason you wear a condom. What if you get pregnant?" I asked as the smile on my face faded, and then felt a harsh slap on the back of my head.
"Don't scare me. God. I'm freaked out enough losing my virginity and then you have to be all safety first on me. Can't we just talk about it?" she asked, "I mean I want to talk to about it like yesterday didn't happen, like we haven't barricaded ourselves in the school. Okay?" she looked sad, and though I was still terrified about what today had in store I knew moments like this were going to be rare, so I smiled again and nodded my head. "Okay so it was scary but he was really like gentle you know. Sweet." she looked lost in a memory for a minute and then snapped out of it. "It just sort of happened you know, one minute we were talking about his mom and the next he was inside me." she smiled and I realized then that if someone had walked in we'd look very foolish with our stupid 'Lucky Us' grins on. "So are you and Scott gonna do it?" she asked abruptly.
"What? Sweets he just last night admitted that I was important to him and that isn't exactly a declaration of love." I replied hopping off the desk and walking towards the classroom door.
"Okay, my bad." she said and followed me out of the classroom. Warren was standing there and Mallory winked at him. He looked up and forced a smile.
"What's wrong?" she asked placing her arm around his shoulder.
"I told Scotty about mom this morning." he said.
"What about her?" I asked.
"Bomani and I burried her under the tree in the front of the school." Warren answered.
"And you didn't tell him. Didn't wake him up?" I asked, raising my voice.
"I was going to but when I walked in the room I saw him... with you. It threw me off." he said looking at the floor and then turned away leaving me and Mallory standing there.
"Shit." I muttered.
"Look don't freak out about this. Lets go to the caf everyone's there." Mallory nudged my shoulder, and we walked together.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Chapter 8 Sleep
Chapter 8 Sleep
"Aaron." Warren called out to me as I opened the door to the stairwell for Kevin and Parker. Everyone seemed to want a room on the second floor of the school.
"Yeah." I said and walked over to him.
"Scotty's in room 202." I nodded, filled with dread and walked to the stairwell, up the stairs and there it was room 202. I walked to the room slowly my heart racing with every step. I opened the door to the drama room cautiously and walked in. He was laying on the stage. I walked onto the small stage and lay next to him.
"Hey." I said, it sounded stupid the second it came from my mouth but I didn't know what else to say.
"You know, before today I was a complete fuck you." he said mumbled, "I was worried about things that I could careless about now. My mom's dead, I almost died five times today. I know whats important now... my brother, Mallory, Parker, Kevin, you." he looked at me, his eyes were so blue just then, so sad, so endless, so damaged. "Will you stay with me tonight?" he asked and placed his hand softly on my thigh. I nodded and moved closer to him. He put his arm over me and I could feel his lips on my ears, "There's this song by The Dandy Warhols called Sleep, have you ever heard it?" he asked.
"No." I whispered.
"There's this line that goes if 'I could sleep forever I could forget about everything' I wish I could do that now." the melancholy in his voice drifted into me, and I could feel his broken heart beat on my back.
"Then lets do it, sleep forever. Just you and me, lay here until the world dies."I replied, he pulled me closer to him and his breath was intoxicating.
"I just want a nights sleep." he said, "with you." I felt my body tense, and after a while we did just that, sleep. "You can make it all okay."
"Aaron." Warren called out to me as I opened the door to the stairwell for Kevin and Parker. Everyone seemed to want a room on the second floor of the school.
"Yeah." I said and walked over to him.
"Scotty's in room 202." I nodded, filled with dread and walked to the stairwell, up the stairs and there it was room 202. I walked to the room slowly my heart racing with every step. I opened the door to the drama room cautiously and walked in. He was laying on the stage. I walked onto the small stage and lay next to him.
"Hey." I said, it sounded stupid the second it came from my mouth but I didn't know what else to say.
"You know, before today I was a complete fuck you." he said mumbled, "I was worried about things that I could careless about now. My mom's dead, I almost died five times today. I know whats important now... my brother, Mallory, Parker, Kevin, you." he looked at me, his eyes were so blue just then, so sad, so endless, so damaged. "Will you stay with me tonight?" he asked and placed his hand softly on my thigh. I nodded and moved closer to him. He put his arm over me and I could feel his lips on my ears, "There's this song by The Dandy Warhols called Sleep, have you ever heard it?" he asked.
"No." I whispered.
"There's this line that goes if 'I could sleep forever I could forget about everything' I wish I could do that now." the melancholy in his voice drifted into me, and I could feel his broken heart beat on my back.
"Then lets do it, sleep forever. Just you and me, lay here until the world dies."I replied, he pulled me closer to him and his breath was intoxicating.
"I just want a nights sleep." he said, "with you." I felt my body tense, and after a while we did just that, sleep. "You can make it all okay."
Chapter 7 BreakDown
Chapter 7 BreakDown
"George, are you okay?" Lacheya asked kneeling down next to the old man, blood was spewing from his mouth and he was gasping for breath. Until he wheezed one last time and fell to the floor lifeless. Lacheya dug into his pockets and pulled the keys for the school out, sliding them into her own pair of jeans. She kissed her hand and placed it on his forehead. Standing up she looked around, "Where's Bomani?" she asked.
"Over here." He said coming out from behind the cafeteria kitchen area, which had kept him hidden.
"You okay?" Lacheya asked. He nodded and I walked over to Scotty. He still holding his mother down to the floor.
Warren held Mallory tightly, "Where is Iyari?" I heard Isabella shriek.
"She's with Parker and Kevin." I said, placing my hand on Scott's shoulder. He started to cry. I pulled his hands from her body, and he clung to me. "I'm sorry." I whispered as he began to sob his face was buried into my gut. I slid my hands through my hair, and I could feel his sadness leaking into me. He screamed, one of those screams you never think you'll hear in real life. A scream that just can't come from an actual human, but it came from him. I started to cry. I sank to my knees embracing him. He grabbed my face roughly and shouted, as if he was trying to tell me his pain. I squeezed him, on some level I was trying to squeeze the pain away. Rid him of it, even try and let it seep from him and into me. I saw Mallory was holding Warren, but my eyes went back to Scotty.
"Fuck!" he cried out. He pushed himself from me then. He banged the floor with his hand weakly. "Fuck!" He screamed again. He was still on his knees and then Mallory was by my side and I stood up as Warren knelt beside his brother. Mallory hugged me, while Warren held onto his brother.
"Give us a minute." Warren muttered. I nodded as Mallory and I turned to leave the cafeteria. We reached the doors opened them slowly and thier was Lacheya and Bomani who had already taken there leave.
"How's it goin' in there?" she asked.
"Not good." I whispered brushing my tears away. "Where are the Badias" I asked.
"I think with their daughter." Bomani answered, "How did those people get in?" he asked.
"They aren't people any more they're something else." Mallory said, and started toward the nurses office.
"What?" Bomani asked as I followed Mallory. When I got to the Nurse's station Iyari was filling her parents in on what had happened.
"Then I slammed the door shut and locked it so he couldn't get us." Isabella held her daughter, and Alessandro was thanking Parker for keeping her safe.
"How did they get in?" Mallory asked, looking directly at Isabella.
"I don't know." she answered.
"Really." Mallory asked, Isabella put Iyari down on the floor and she walked over to her dad.
"What are you saying to me?" Isabella asked walking up to Mallory getting in her face.
"I'm not saying anything, I am asking however if you maybe freaked out and tried to go outside after seeing what was happening in to Mrs. Depkin." Mallory put her hands on her hips not backing down from Isabella's stare.
"That is crazy talk and I am not answering-" Isabella started and Mallory lunged forward pressing her forearm onto Isabella's neck pinning her to the wall behind her. Alessandro moved forward and I threw my elbow out smashing it against his cheek. He crashed to the floor. Iyari yelped and Parker took the little girl out of the room.
"What are you doing?" Bomani asked.
"Did you try and leave the school? Did you let them in?" Mallory yelled.
"Yes! I let them in, I was suffocating. I needed to breathe. I am sorry." Mallory moved back letting Isabella go. I offered to help Alessandro up but he refused. I stared at him a moment, raised my eyebrow slightly and turned to stand next to Kevin who had propped himself up on the counter but was still laying there. Alessandro went to his wife's side.
"George died because of you." Bomani said, his eyes were filled with anger.
"I'd keep quiet I was you." Lacheya spat.
"Excuse me, What's that supposed to mean?" he questioned.
"It means you could have helped George but instead you were busy... what cowering in the kitchen. There is plenty of blame for you too ass hole." Lacheya cast him an angry look. As he looked down to the floor. "We can't afford to have people like you with us. You can get us killed."
"Like your Parker friend." Alessandro interjected.
"You mean the girl that just saved your daughter. Yeah lets throw her in the same category as Bomani." I hissed.
"Not to sound offensively but this is the first she has interacted in a struggle." Isabella added.
"Said the woman I had to save twice tonight and almost got her own daughter killed." I fired back.
"You son of a bitch." Isabella snapped.
I sneered at her, "Wow, damsel in distress and emotionally unstable." she moved forward trying to swing at me but Alessandro was holding her back. "I'm so scared." I taunted.
"Stop." I turned to the door way and Warren stood there.
"Where's Scott?" I asked.
"He'll be here in a minute." Parker and Iyari were standing behind him. "Look," he said and took a deep breath, "People are gonna die here, painfully, by accident. Things are gonna happen that we can't control, but we can control how we treat each other. I don't wanna hear this crap about damsels in distress or how some people are a liability, because at the end of the day were people. More importantly were sane people, and I am starting to think that that's what's separates us from them. The people outside these walls., they're psychotic and that's what I am calling them the psychotics. So from this point on we all pull our own weight. We watch out for one another. Tonight was hard, but its almost over and it may take us a while to get our barrings here but we will. We all have different strengths and we're gonna use them, cause if we don't stand together, you are gonna be damned sure we'll fall one by one like flies." I saw Scotty appear behind his brother and I wanted to push past him and wrap my arms around him, but he walked over to Warren whispered something in his ear and walked away. "So did any one grab the keys off George?" Lacheya pulled the keys from her pocket.
"Do me a favor go with Alessandro and check to see if you can find out where they came from." Warren said.
"Isabella let them in from a door." Mallory said.
"Fine." Warren said quickly, "Were you with her Alessandro?" he nodded his head, "Good show Lacheya the door and she can double check to make sure its locked." Lacheya walked out of the room with Alessandro following her. "Kevin can you walk?"
"Yeah." Kevin went and swung his feet off the counter and slid off the table slowly, Parker pushed past Warren and he put his arm around her for support.
"Everyone pick a classroom and bunk in twos. Okay?" Warren demanded. We all nodded.
"George, are you okay?" Lacheya asked kneeling down next to the old man, blood was spewing from his mouth and he was gasping for breath. Until he wheezed one last time and fell to the floor lifeless. Lacheya dug into his pockets and pulled the keys for the school out, sliding them into her own pair of jeans. She kissed her hand and placed it on his forehead. Standing up she looked around, "Where's Bomani?" she asked.
"Over here." He said coming out from behind the cafeteria kitchen area, which had kept him hidden.
"You okay?" Lacheya asked. He nodded and I walked over to Scotty. He still holding his mother down to the floor.
Warren held Mallory tightly, "Where is Iyari?" I heard Isabella shriek.
"She's with Parker and Kevin." I said, placing my hand on Scott's shoulder. He started to cry. I pulled his hands from her body, and he clung to me. "I'm sorry." I whispered as he began to sob his face was buried into my gut. I slid my hands through my hair, and I could feel his sadness leaking into me. He screamed, one of those screams you never think you'll hear in real life. A scream that just can't come from an actual human, but it came from him. I started to cry. I sank to my knees embracing him. He grabbed my face roughly and shouted, as if he was trying to tell me his pain. I squeezed him, on some level I was trying to squeeze the pain away. Rid him of it, even try and let it seep from him and into me. I saw Mallory was holding Warren, but my eyes went back to Scotty.
"Fuck!" he cried out. He pushed himself from me then. He banged the floor with his hand weakly. "Fuck!" He screamed again. He was still on his knees and then Mallory was by my side and I stood up as Warren knelt beside his brother. Mallory hugged me, while Warren held onto his brother.
"Give us a minute." Warren muttered. I nodded as Mallory and I turned to leave the cafeteria. We reached the doors opened them slowly and thier was Lacheya and Bomani who had already taken there leave.
"How's it goin' in there?" she asked.
"Not good." I whispered brushing my tears away. "Where are the Badias" I asked.
"I think with their daughter." Bomani answered, "How did those people get in?" he asked.
"They aren't people any more they're something else." Mallory said, and started toward the nurses office.
"What?" Bomani asked as I followed Mallory. When I got to the Nurse's station Iyari was filling her parents in on what had happened.
"Then I slammed the door shut and locked it so he couldn't get us." Isabella held her daughter, and Alessandro was thanking Parker for keeping her safe.
"How did they get in?" Mallory asked, looking directly at Isabella.
"I don't know." she answered.
"Really." Mallory asked, Isabella put Iyari down on the floor and she walked over to her dad.
"What are you saying to me?" Isabella asked walking up to Mallory getting in her face.
"I'm not saying anything, I am asking however if you maybe freaked out and tried to go outside after seeing what was happening in to Mrs. Depkin." Mallory put her hands on her hips not backing down from Isabella's stare.
"That is crazy talk and I am not answering-" Isabella started and Mallory lunged forward pressing her forearm onto Isabella's neck pinning her to the wall behind her. Alessandro moved forward and I threw my elbow out smashing it against his cheek. He crashed to the floor. Iyari yelped and Parker took the little girl out of the room.
"What are you doing?" Bomani asked.
"Did you try and leave the school? Did you let them in?" Mallory yelled.
"Yes! I let them in, I was suffocating. I needed to breathe. I am sorry." Mallory moved back letting Isabella go. I offered to help Alessandro up but he refused. I stared at him a moment, raised my eyebrow slightly and turned to stand next to Kevin who had propped himself up on the counter but was still laying there. Alessandro went to his wife's side.
"George died because of you." Bomani said, his eyes were filled with anger.
"I'd keep quiet I was you." Lacheya spat.
"Excuse me, What's that supposed to mean?" he questioned.
"It means you could have helped George but instead you were busy... what cowering in the kitchen. There is plenty of blame for you too ass hole." Lacheya cast him an angry look. As he looked down to the floor. "We can't afford to have people like you with us. You can get us killed."
"Like your Parker friend." Alessandro interjected.
"You mean the girl that just saved your daughter. Yeah lets throw her in the same category as Bomani." I hissed.
"Not to sound offensively but this is the first she has interacted in a struggle." Isabella added.
"Said the woman I had to save twice tonight and almost got her own daughter killed." I fired back.
"You son of a bitch." Isabella snapped.
I sneered at her, "Wow, damsel in distress and emotionally unstable." she moved forward trying to swing at me but Alessandro was holding her back. "I'm so scared." I taunted.
"Stop." I turned to the door way and Warren stood there.
"Where's Scott?" I asked.
"He'll be here in a minute." Parker and Iyari were standing behind him. "Look," he said and took a deep breath, "People are gonna die here, painfully, by accident. Things are gonna happen that we can't control, but we can control how we treat each other. I don't wanna hear this crap about damsels in distress or how some people are a liability, because at the end of the day were people. More importantly were sane people, and I am starting to think that that's what's separates us from them. The people outside these walls., they're psychotic and that's what I am calling them the psychotics. So from this point on we all pull our own weight. We watch out for one another. Tonight was hard, but its almost over and it may take us a while to get our barrings here but we will. We all have different strengths and we're gonna use them, cause if we don't stand together, you are gonna be damned sure we'll fall one by one like flies." I saw Scotty appear behind his brother and I wanted to push past him and wrap my arms around him, but he walked over to Warren whispered something in his ear and walked away. "So did any one grab the keys off George?" Lacheya pulled the keys from her pocket.
"Do me a favor go with Alessandro and check to see if you can find out where they came from." Warren said.
"Isabella let them in from a door." Mallory said.
"Fine." Warren said quickly, "Were you with her Alessandro?" he nodded his head, "Good show Lacheya the door and she can double check to make sure its locked." Lacheya walked out of the room with Alessandro following her. "Kevin can you walk?"
"Yeah." Kevin went and swung his feet off the counter and slid off the table slowly, Parker pushed past Warren and he put his arm around her for support.
"Everyone pick a classroom and bunk in twos. Okay?" Warren demanded. We all nodded.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Chapter 6 Too Many Doctors Not Enouh Nurses
Chapter 6 Too Many Doctors Not Enough Nurses
"You have got to be kidding me." Parker said, and turned around to the door when Bomani popped in. Parker jumped letting out a small scream, and then slapping pushing him lightly, "Christ you scared the shit out of me." She brushed her hands through her hair and looked over at me, as if to say can you believe this freak.
"We need help." Bomani stammered, gasping for air.
I looked over at Kevin, "I'll be fine just go." he said waving me away. I nodded.
"Yeah, we'll be fine." Iyari added.
"Aaron go, I'll watch them." I followed Bomani to the H.O.S.A. room, where he started grabbing text books and gauze into a cart he had grabbed from the library.
"What are we looking for?" I asked.
"Anything we can use to seal up her wound and stop the bleeding." he said throwing in a stack of generic brown paper towels. I went under the sink and piled a few packs of them into the cart. Bomani started to roll it out of the room and into the hall, I raced ahead of him and got to the cafeteria first swinging open the doors and keeping them open for him and the cart. We walked over to Mrs. Depkin, a pole sticking through her stomach.
"Holy shit." I gasped, "Mrs. Depkin, oh my god are you okay?" I stuttered.
"She can't talk Aaron, and I need you to be quiet." Mallory said placing her hands on the pipe.
"What are you doing?" I asked, walking toward her.
"I'm pulling the pole out of her." she said, "Warren, Scotty I need you guys to hold her down." Warren walked over to his mother's feet and held ankle with each hand, while Scotty was at her shoulders.
"Dios Mio," Isabella said, as her husband held her in his arms, "There has to being another way." she whispered. I was shaking.
"There isn't, okay." Mallory snapped, "Look if there was I wouldn't be doing this but there isn't. We leave the pipe in her she dies. We take it out stop the bleeding some how seal the wound, she stands a chance." Mallory took a deep breath, looked over at Bomani. "Did you get the books?" he nodded riffling through the cart for the book he had tossed in there earlier, "look up any thing that can help us. Get the towels ready, Lacheya when I pull the pipe out I need you to put pressure on the wound." Lacheya nodded and knelt down across from Mallory. "One," my heart was beating fast, "Two," Mallory's grip tightened.
"I won't have no part in this." Isabella broke away from Alessandro and left the cafeteria with her husband following her.
Mallory shook her head, "Three!" she pulled the pole straight up and out. Mrs. Depkin tried to sit up and kick all at once screaming in pain, Lacheya grabbed the paper towels and started to apply pressure. Blood oozed out of her, and I could hear Isabella screaming in the hall. George was now trying to apply pressure along with Mallory and Lacheya. "No! Just apply the pressure over her wound! Over it!" Mallory was screaming as George had his hands on her stomach.
"It's a hole straight through her how do we stop the bleeding?" Lacheya asked. Everyone looked over at Bomani as Isabella continued to scream from the hall. He was panicking flipping through the pages quickly barely glancing them over. George started to stuff the paper towels into her.
"What are you doing? Just apply pressure!" Mallory shouted trying to pull the paper towels from her body. Mrs. Depkin's screams intensified, and she was thrashing even more now.
"Mom! Mom! We need you to stay still!" Scotty was screaming over her and the others. Blood started to sputter from her mouth, as Isabella screamed louder from the hall.
"Aaron go out there and shut her up!" Mallory ordered. I ran over to the hall as Isabella was being held down by two strangers that had gotten in from outside and Alessandro was dealing with three of his own. I ran over to Alessandro and pulled one of them off of him, and onto Isabella knocking her two away from her. Isabella ran over to her husband's aid and grabbed the hair of a woman attacking him and dragged her away from him. Alessandro kicked the final one off him. Who took off toward the entrance of the school where Iyari, Parker, and Kevin were. I grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall and threw it to Alessandro. He pulled the pin and sprayed it's contents creating a small fog. I heard him throw it to the ground as I sped to follow the other one. He was already at the nurse's station and battling to open the door with Iyari and Parker. I flew through the air and tackled him to the floor. Parker scurried out of the room and closed the door. Their attacker was on top of me and his hands squeezing me head, I felt as if it might pop like a grape any second, I heard a crash, and then he was off me. I stood up, watching Parker bludget him in the head with a trophy from the trophy case she had busted open. Her hand covered in blood she stopped, and looked over at me.
"Are you okay?" I nodded.
"Get back inside, there are more." I said and took a trophy of my own, as I sprinted toward the caf. I could see that they had gotten into the cafeteria and I picked up speed. When I got there Isabella and Alessandro were double teaming one of the crazed people and Lacheya was pinned on the salad bar, George had picked up the pipe that had gone through Mrs. Depkin and was keeping one at bay though he was being cornered. One of them was on top of Mallory and Warren was trying to get him off of her, while Scotty was holding his mother down as she continued to convulse. I heard Lacheya yell out in pain and I ran to her aid. Her legs kicking wildly as he tried to hold her hands down. I slammed the trophy into his head. He was jarred, and I hit him again. He got off her, and started toward me, Lacheya grabbed one of the serving trays and hit him on the head. I swung the trophy at his face. Teeth fell out of his mouth and onto the ground. The toothless man pushed me to the floor, the pipe that George had been thrashing around was suddenly at my feet. I grabbed it and drove it through my attacker's gut. Lacheya moved to the left and then ran over to George, who was being beaten very badly. I looked over at Alessandro and Isabella who were now holding one another and Mallory was back over by Mrs. Depkin who was by the looks of things very much dead. Lacheya bashed George's attacker's head into the wall until it crunched.
"You have got to be kidding me." Parker said, and turned around to the door when Bomani popped in. Parker jumped letting out a small scream, and then slapping pushing him lightly, "Christ you scared the shit out of me." She brushed her hands through her hair and looked over at me, as if to say can you believe this freak.
"We need help." Bomani stammered, gasping for air.
I looked over at Kevin, "I'll be fine just go." he said waving me away. I nodded.
"Yeah, we'll be fine." Iyari added.
"Aaron go, I'll watch them." I followed Bomani to the H.O.S.A. room, where he started grabbing text books and gauze into a cart he had grabbed from the library.
"What are we looking for?" I asked.
"Anything we can use to seal up her wound and stop the bleeding." he said throwing in a stack of generic brown paper towels. I went under the sink and piled a few packs of them into the cart. Bomani started to roll it out of the room and into the hall, I raced ahead of him and got to the cafeteria first swinging open the doors and keeping them open for him and the cart. We walked over to Mrs. Depkin, a pole sticking through her stomach.
"Holy shit." I gasped, "Mrs. Depkin, oh my god are you okay?" I stuttered.
"She can't talk Aaron, and I need you to be quiet." Mallory said placing her hands on the pipe.
"What are you doing?" I asked, walking toward her.
"I'm pulling the pole out of her." she said, "Warren, Scotty I need you guys to hold her down." Warren walked over to his mother's feet and held ankle with each hand, while Scotty was at her shoulders.
"Dios Mio," Isabella said, as her husband held her in his arms, "There has to being another way." she whispered. I was shaking.
"There isn't, okay." Mallory snapped, "Look if there was I wouldn't be doing this but there isn't. We leave the pipe in her she dies. We take it out stop the bleeding some how seal the wound, she stands a chance." Mallory took a deep breath, looked over at Bomani. "Did you get the books?" he nodded riffling through the cart for the book he had tossed in there earlier, "look up any thing that can help us. Get the towels ready, Lacheya when I pull the pipe out I need you to put pressure on the wound." Lacheya nodded and knelt down across from Mallory. "One," my heart was beating fast, "Two," Mallory's grip tightened.
"I won't have no part in this." Isabella broke away from Alessandro and left the cafeteria with her husband following her.
Mallory shook her head, "Three!" she pulled the pole straight up and out. Mrs. Depkin tried to sit up and kick all at once screaming in pain, Lacheya grabbed the paper towels and started to apply pressure. Blood oozed out of her, and I could hear Isabella screaming in the hall. George was now trying to apply pressure along with Mallory and Lacheya. "No! Just apply the pressure over her wound! Over it!" Mallory was screaming as George had his hands on her stomach.
"It's a hole straight through her how do we stop the bleeding?" Lacheya asked. Everyone looked over at Bomani as Isabella continued to scream from the hall. He was panicking flipping through the pages quickly barely glancing them over. George started to stuff the paper towels into her.
"What are you doing? Just apply pressure!" Mallory shouted trying to pull the paper towels from her body. Mrs. Depkin's screams intensified, and she was thrashing even more now.
"Mom! Mom! We need you to stay still!" Scotty was screaming over her and the others. Blood started to sputter from her mouth, as Isabella screamed louder from the hall.
"Aaron go out there and shut her up!" Mallory ordered. I ran over to the hall as Isabella was being held down by two strangers that had gotten in from outside and Alessandro was dealing with three of his own. I ran over to Alessandro and pulled one of them off of him, and onto Isabella knocking her two away from her. Isabella ran over to her husband's aid and grabbed the hair of a woman attacking him and dragged her away from him. Alessandro kicked the final one off him. Who took off toward the entrance of the school where Iyari, Parker, and Kevin were. I grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall and threw it to Alessandro. He pulled the pin and sprayed it's contents creating a small fog. I heard him throw it to the ground as I sped to follow the other one. He was already at the nurse's station and battling to open the door with Iyari and Parker. I flew through the air and tackled him to the floor. Parker scurried out of the room and closed the door. Their attacker was on top of me and his hands squeezing me head, I felt as if it might pop like a grape any second, I heard a crash, and then he was off me. I stood up, watching Parker bludget him in the head with a trophy from the trophy case she had busted open. Her hand covered in blood she stopped, and looked over at me.
"Are you okay?" I nodded.
"Get back inside, there are more." I said and took a trophy of my own, as I sprinted toward the caf. I could see that they had gotten into the cafeteria and I picked up speed. When I got there Isabella and Alessandro were double teaming one of the crazed people and Lacheya was pinned on the salad bar, George had picked up the pipe that had gone through Mrs. Depkin and was keeping one at bay though he was being cornered. One of them was on top of Mallory and Warren was trying to get him off of her, while Scotty was holding his mother down as she continued to convulse. I heard Lacheya yell out in pain and I ran to her aid. Her legs kicking wildly as he tried to hold her hands down. I slammed the trophy into his head. He was jarred, and I hit him again. He got off her, and started toward me, Lacheya grabbed one of the serving trays and hit him on the head. I swung the trophy at his face. Teeth fell out of his mouth and onto the ground. The toothless man pushed me to the floor, the pipe that George had been thrashing around was suddenly at my feet. I grabbed it and drove it through my attacker's gut. Lacheya moved to the left and then ran over to George, who was being beaten very badly. I looked over at Alessandro and Isabella who were now holding one another and Mallory was back over by Mrs. Depkin who was by the looks of things very much dead. Lacheya bashed George's attacker's head into the wall until it crunched.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Chapter 5 Sleeping Beauty and a Kiss
Chapter 5 Sleeping Beauty and a Kiss
"Whats gonna happen to the cute man?" I heard Iyari ask someone as we picked him up again.
"Bring him to the nurse's station." Warren said. We placed him on the examining table.
"Parker get an ice pack for your wrist," Mallory said and walked over to Scotty lifting up his jeans to see his leg. He was bleeding, "I don't think its that bad but we should clean it out." she went over to the first aid cabinet pulling out the gauze and peroxide. I walked out of the nurse's room. Isabella was over near the girls bathroom wiping Iyari's face with a paper towel while Alessandro had started talking to some guy. I looked around on the floor and for the first time noticed all the blood.
"Mallory." I said and brought her out of the nurse's station.
"What's wrong?" she asked and I pointed at the floor. Mallory ran back over to Kevin and lifted up his shirt, his stitches were fine. "Scotty how badly were you bleeding?" she asked.
"Not bad." he said.
"Really," she pulled him to the entrance, "explain." She demanded pointing to the blood.
He looked from the blood to her, "Our mom." The Badias and the new guy were next to us now.
"Where is she?" Mallory asked.
"The cafeteria." he answered.
She nodded her head, "Whose been watching her?"
"Me." The mystery guy said, "Bomani Bestat."
"Well... what are you waiting for? Take me to her." Mallory snapped and he started toward the cafe with her on his heels.
"You guys go," Parker said to Warren and Scotty, "Me and Aaron'll watch him." she winked at me and as they took their leave.
"Yeah you guys can go too, me and them can watch the cute man." Iyari said to her parents. I stifled a laugh.
"She'll be fine." I said to her father. He nodded, and with his wife, followed the crowd to Mrs. Depkin.
"Is he ever gonna wake up?" Iyari asked, walking over to him and putting her hand on his.
"He'll be fine, he just needs rest." Parker said, smiling.
"Or maybe he just needs a kiss."
"What?" Parker asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at me obviously amused. I smiled a little, but it was half hearted I was worried about my step brother.
"You know like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty." she stopped a moment and then her face lit up like a light bulb in her small head went on, "You should kiss him." she said looking at Parker.
"No, I don't think so." Parker said stepping back from him and towards me.
"Why not? Aren't you a princess?" she asked her eyes all big and wide.
"Why would you think I'm a princess?" Parker was starting to feel cornered, and I was definitely enjoying watching her squirm.
"Well your pretty and um... your necklace." Iyari said nervously, as Parker glanced at her neck to see that she was wearing Courtney's princess chain. She looked at me for help. I threw my hands up in the air and looked at Iyari, smiling. "Please." she batted her eye lashes and as Parker rolled her eyes she walked over to Kevin and placed her lips on his.
When she came back up she looked at him and nothing then looked at Iyari, "See, Iyari those things are just stories. They've never happened. They're fake."
"Parker!" I shouted, not believing my ears. "Why would you say that?"
"Well maybe you just aren't a real princess." Iyari snapped walked up to the chair in the corner of the room slid it over to the examining table and stood on it to sit next to him on the table. She brushed a strand of hair lightly out of his face, "Wake up." she whispered and kissed him softly. When she pulled away I was heartbroken.
"Iyari." I said walking over to her.
"Open your eyes." she continued, holding the sides of his face and then kissing his cheek.
"Well it looks like you aren't a real--" Parker started as Kevin's eyes fluttered open. My jaw dropped and I looked over at an a equally shocked Parker.
"Who are you?" Kevin asked, and then looked over seeing me and Parker.
"Your princess." she said and smiled hugging him.
"Whats gonna happen to the cute man?" I heard Iyari ask someone as we picked him up again.
"Bring him to the nurse's station." Warren said. We placed him on the examining table.
"Parker get an ice pack for your wrist," Mallory said and walked over to Scotty lifting up his jeans to see his leg. He was bleeding, "I don't think its that bad but we should clean it out." she went over to the first aid cabinet pulling out the gauze and peroxide. I walked out of the nurse's room. Isabella was over near the girls bathroom wiping Iyari's face with a paper towel while Alessandro had started talking to some guy. I looked around on the floor and for the first time noticed all the blood.
"Mallory." I said and brought her out of the nurse's station.
"What's wrong?" she asked and I pointed at the floor. Mallory ran back over to Kevin and lifted up his shirt, his stitches were fine. "Scotty how badly were you bleeding?" she asked.
"Not bad." he said.
"Really," she pulled him to the entrance, "explain." She demanded pointing to the blood.
He looked from the blood to her, "Our mom." The Badias and the new guy were next to us now.
"Where is she?" Mallory asked.
"The cafeteria." he answered.
She nodded her head, "Whose been watching her?"
"Me." The mystery guy said, "Bomani Bestat."
"Well... what are you waiting for? Take me to her." Mallory snapped and he started toward the cafe with her on his heels.
"You guys go," Parker said to Warren and Scotty, "Me and Aaron'll watch him." she winked at me and as they took their leave.
"Yeah you guys can go too, me and them can watch the cute man." Iyari said to her parents. I stifled a laugh.
"She'll be fine." I said to her father. He nodded, and with his wife, followed the crowd to Mrs. Depkin.
"Is he ever gonna wake up?" Iyari asked, walking over to him and putting her hand on his.
"He'll be fine, he just needs rest." Parker said, smiling.
"Or maybe he just needs a kiss."
"What?" Parker asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at me obviously amused. I smiled a little, but it was half hearted I was worried about my step brother.
"You know like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty." she stopped a moment and then her face lit up like a light bulb in her small head went on, "You should kiss him." she said looking at Parker.
"No, I don't think so." Parker said stepping back from him and towards me.
"Why not? Aren't you a princess?" she asked her eyes all big and wide.
"Why would you think I'm a princess?" Parker was starting to feel cornered, and I was definitely enjoying watching her squirm.
"Well your pretty and um... your necklace." Iyari said nervously, as Parker glanced at her neck to see that she was wearing Courtney's princess chain. She looked at me for help. I threw my hands up in the air and looked at Iyari, smiling. "Please." she batted her eye lashes and as Parker rolled her eyes she walked over to Kevin and placed her lips on his.
When she came back up she looked at him and nothing then looked at Iyari, "See, Iyari those things are just stories. They've never happened. They're fake."
"Parker!" I shouted, not believing my ears. "Why would you say that?"
"Well maybe you just aren't a real princess." Iyari snapped walked up to the chair in the corner of the room slid it over to the examining table and stood on it to sit next to him on the table. She brushed a strand of hair lightly out of his face, "Wake up." she whispered and kissed him softly. When she pulled away I was heartbroken.
"Iyari." I said walking over to her.
"Open your eyes." she continued, holding the sides of his face and then kissing his cheek.
"Well it looks like you aren't a real--" Parker started as Kevin's eyes fluttered open. My jaw dropped and I looked over at an a equally shocked Parker.
"Who are you?" Kevin asked, and then looked over seeing me and Parker.
"Your princess." she said and smiled hugging him.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Chapter 4 Sanctuary
Chapter 4 Sancutary
"I knew you'd come for me. I knew you'd come back!" Mallory cried as she showered Warren's face with kisses. He was smiling and holding her in the back seat.
"I love you so much." he said hugging her so tightly I thought she might bust. I looked over at Scotty. He kept glancing at the rearview mirror. I wanted him to talk to me tell me something, anything. I turned around to check if the other car was still following us.
"So what the fuck happened back there? We left you guys in Courtney's and you end up next door." he looked over at me, I told him everything that had happened, Mallory's plan, the ladder bridge, the Badias, Kevin's stitches, and the struggle we had had before they arrived.
"What about you did you find help?" I asked, he looked back in the rear view mirror.
"Sort of, I'll catch you up later. I just want to make sure that we get to the high school okay." he said, and then i felt his warm hand on mine, "I'm glad your okay." he said and smiled. I melted on the inside and then his hand was back on the steering wheel.
"So who are those people in the other car?" I asked, I could see people running out of there homes, and screaming for help. It was breaking me seeing them like that, but we couldn't help them. We couldn't stop.
"Lacheya and George, we saw them near the school with about nine others. We needed help, our Mom was pretty bad." Scotty said, and Mallory stopped making out and unstraddled Warren.
"Your Mom, is she okay?" Mallory asked Warren brushing a strand of hair out of his face. They were quiet, and I was thinking the worst.
"Our Dad he went after her. She uh . . . isn't doing good." Scotty answered, looking over at me. "Aaron we um... found your dad and Kevin's mom." His face said it all, that they weren't okay. That they were either dead, or killing people. I looked out the window, and Mallory's hand was on my shoulder. "They attacked us." he finished and I knew that he had either killed them or fought them off.
"I don't wanna know anymore." I closed my eyes to blackout the world. When I opened them I gasped as we crashed into someone. Scotty hit the brakes and the car spun, and swerved. Mallory screamed out and Warren grabbed a hold of her. I watched the world spin, and then tip over. The glass crashed inward and sprayed all over me. My head was seeing stars and I could barely move. I was aching. I unfastened my seat belt and fell to the roof. Mallory slid out of the broken window and then helped me out. I shook my head, and held onto her for support. Scotty and Warren got out of the car next, Warren had gotten a small cut on his head, and it looked like Scotty had hurt his right leg. The car that Parker was riding in pulled up immediately, and one of the passenegr doors opened.
I helped Mallory in and went in after her. "Oh my God are you okay?" Parker asked, She was in the baggage compartment with Kevin. While The Badias were all in the second row of passneger seats, and we now filled the first. When Scotty got in the car he closed the door and the old man drove off.
"We're fine." Scotty said and held his leg.
"You don't look fine." Lacheya said.
"Its nothing." Scotty snapped and she backed off. I looked over to the back and Iyari was asleep.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked Alessandro.
"Yes, we are thanks to you. You saved my daughter's life and wife's twice tonight." he said and grabbed my shoulder, "Thank you." he said and Isabella smiled at me.
"No problem." I said and looked over at Parker, "How is he?"
She looked up at me, "Nothing I think he's out again. I think Mallory's right. He needs blood." I nodded.
"And you?" I asked.
"Just my wrist from the fall earlier but its nothing." she said, and I wasn't sure but I think she winked. The school was coming up soon. I looked at Mallory who had her head on Warren's shoulder, and I wanted desprately to be near Scott. We saw the school and pulled right up to the front doors.
Lacheya turned around and looked at us, "Okay first things first Warren you, me, and the the kid next to your girl bring in the guy in the back. The rest of you get inside as quick as you can. Now that includes you too nurse blondie." Parker looked up and smiled nastily, "George you wait until everyone is inside before you lock up." he nodded. "Okay lets go." She said and jumped out of the van. I swing open my passenger door and ran to the back to help get my step brother out of the back seat.Warren was there and Lacheya the back popped open and we grabbed him quickly. Parker was out of the van like a bolt of lightning but instead of going right inside helped us bring him in. We got into the school and laid him on the linoleum floor, The Badias ran in next, Mallory and Scotty were already inside and that made everybody George slammed the doors shut and slid the keys in the lock sealing the doors.
"I knew you'd come for me. I knew you'd come back!" Mallory cried as she showered Warren's face with kisses. He was smiling and holding her in the back seat.
"I love you so much." he said hugging her so tightly I thought she might bust. I looked over at Scotty. He kept glancing at the rearview mirror. I wanted him to talk to me tell me something, anything. I turned around to check if the other car was still following us.
"So what the fuck happened back there? We left you guys in Courtney's and you end up next door." he looked over at me, I told him everything that had happened, Mallory's plan, the ladder bridge, the Badias, Kevin's stitches, and the struggle we had had before they arrived.
"What about you did you find help?" I asked, he looked back in the rear view mirror.
"Sort of, I'll catch you up later. I just want to make sure that we get to the high school okay." he said, and then i felt his warm hand on mine, "I'm glad your okay." he said and smiled. I melted on the inside and then his hand was back on the steering wheel.
"So who are those people in the other car?" I asked, I could see people running out of there homes, and screaming for help. It was breaking me seeing them like that, but we couldn't help them. We couldn't stop.
"Lacheya and George, we saw them near the school with about nine others. We needed help, our Mom was pretty bad." Scotty said, and Mallory stopped making out and unstraddled Warren.
"Your Mom, is she okay?" Mallory asked Warren brushing a strand of hair out of his face. They were quiet, and I was thinking the worst.
"Our Dad he went after her. She uh . . . isn't doing good." Scotty answered, looking over at me. "Aaron we um... found your dad and Kevin's mom." His face said it all, that they weren't okay. That they were either dead, or killing people. I looked out the window, and Mallory's hand was on my shoulder. "They attacked us." he finished and I knew that he had either killed them or fought them off.
"I don't wanna know anymore." I closed my eyes to blackout the world. When I opened them I gasped as we crashed into someone. Scotty hit the brakes and the car spun, and swerved. Mallory screamed out and Warren grabbed a hold of her. I watched the world spin, and then tip over. The glass crashed inward and sprayed all over me. My head was seeing stars and I could barely move. I was aching. I unfastened my seat belt and fell to the roof. Mallory slid out of the broken window and then helped me out. I shook my head, and held onto her for support. Scotty and Warren got out of the car next, Warren had gotten a small cut on his head, and it looked like Scotty had hurt his right leg. The car that Parker was riding in pulled up immediately, and one of the passenegr doors opened.
I helped Mallory in and went in after her. "Oh my God are you okay?" Parker asked, She was in the baggage compartment with Kevin. While The Badias were all in the second row of passneger seats, and we now filled the first. When Scotty got in the car he closed the door and the old man drove off.
"We're fine." Scotty said and held his leg.
"You don't look fine." Lacheya said.
"Its nothing." Scotty snapped and she backed off. I looked over to the back and Iyari was asleep.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked Alessandro.
"Yes, we are thanks to you. You saved my daughter's life and wife's twice tonight." he said and grabbed my shoulder, "Thank you." he said and Isabella smiled at me.
"No problem." I said and looked over at Parker, "How is he?"
She looked up at me, "Nothing I think he's out again. I think Mallory's right. He needs blood." I nodded.
"And you?" I asked.
"Just my wrist from the fall earlier but its nothing." she said, and I wasn't sure but I think she winked. The school was coming up soon. I looked at Mallory who had her head on Warren's shoulder, and I wanted desprately to be near Scott. We saw the school and pulled right up to the front doors.
Lacheya turned around and looked at us, "Okay first things first Warren you, me, and the the kid next to your girl bring in the guy in the back. The rest of you get inside as quick as you can. Now that includes you too nurse blondie." Parker looked up and smiled nastily, "George you wait until everyone is inside before you lock up." he nodded. "Okay lets go." She said and jumped out of the van. I swing open my passenger door and ran to the back to help get my step brother out of the back seat.Warren was there and Lacheya the back popped open and we grabbed him quickly. Parker was out of the van like a bolt of lightning but instead of going right inside helped us bring him in. We got into the school and laid him on the linoleum floor, The Badias ran in next, Mallory and Scotty were already inside and that made everybody George slammed the doors shut and slid the keys in the lock sealing the doors.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Chapter 3 Returned
Chapter 3 Returned
I woke up as Parker screamed. When my eyes opened the front window was broken and they were inside. I saw Mallory close the bathroom door sealing herself and Kevin in. I immediatley stood and ran to Parker's side, I grabbed her hand and ran toward the kitchen. Parker's hand was gone and when I turned she had been knocked down. I grabbed a kitchen chair and smashed it over the back of Parker's attacker. He turned to me and tackled me to the floor. "Parker run!" I screamed, she stood up and looked around. I felt the guy on top of me scratching at my neck and then he was choking me. I smashed his head against the bathroom door once, twice, three times his grip tightened. Parker was crying now and I could see her start to panic. I shoved my tumb hard into my attacker's eye, as he squeezed my throat harder. Parker ran up the stairs. I felt his eye pop under the pressure of my thumb. He finally let go and shrieked raising his own hands to his empty socket. I coughed, placed my foot on his chest and pushed hard. He soared back and slammed into the wall. I stood up slowly and dove at the woman that had hold of Isabella. She fell to the ground and I was on top of her. I started to punch. Alessandro came over and grabbed his wife guiding her to the stairs. I kept punching as she let out a howls of pain. I didn't stop. I wouldn't stop. Her face was chop meat after three minutes and I saw the bathroom door get forced open. I stood up, the guy that had forced his way in let out a scream as I saw Mallory spraying hairspray into his eyes. I jumped over the coffee table and forced him away from the door. Mallory closed it quickly and I kneed the guy in the stomach and pushed him into the kitchen. It was the guy with one eye. I grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him to the back door. I opened and closed the door on his head until he stopped moving, and then sunk to the floor. I put my hands on my face and looked back into the living room. My hands were covered in blood and now my face was to, my neck was raw. I was finally catching my breath. I stood up slowly and walked over to the bathroom door, "Scotty doesn't know." I said hoarsely, the door opened slowly and inside was Mallory and Kevin who was still unconscious. He was sewn up and he had some of his color back. I looked at them and Mallory stood up off the floor.
"Oh my God. Are you okay?" she asked as I walked over to the stairs. I nodded and started up them toward the bedroom, my heart was still thumping hard in my chest as I reached the second floor. Mallory was still on the first floor, looking up at me. The only problem was that it wasn't me I was empty. I wasn't feeling anything. I was going on instinct. I knocked on the bedroom door.
"Open up." I said as I knocked on the door to the bedroom, Alessandro swung it open a lamp in hand.
"Jesus Christ, you scared me." he said as I looked in the room and behind him was Isabella and Parker. Parker was immediatley at my side wrapping her arms around me.
"I'm sorry. I freaked out. I didn't know what to do. I just. . . "she was crying.
"You did good." I strained to talk, my throat was killing me.
"What, but I ran." she said. She looked at me, and finally noticed all the blood, "Oh my God you're bleeding." she screamed out. I heard something break downstairs.
"Most of its not mine." I said, she held my hands and then I heard a small yelp. I took off, racing for the stairs and then down them. When I reached the landing Mallory had stabbed a piece of glass from the broken window into the head of the woman that I had punched. Mallory looked over at me, and then started back toward the bathroom. Alessandro was behind me, his hand on my shoulder.
"Go wash up, Isabella will give you some of my clothes to changing into." he said, I coughed a little and nodded. Turning back to the stairs I walked past Parker and into the upstairs bathroom, it was pitch black. I turned on the light, and stripped. I had small cuts on my knuckles and there was blood on my face, arms, and hands. I turned on the shower, and climbed in. The cold water woke me up and tensed my muscles. I was freezing but at least I was feeling. I heard the bathroom door open, I opened the curtain a little and it was Isabella coming in with a candle and clothes. She smiled at me and turned off the light the room dimmed to candle light as she left it on the sink and closed the door. I sealed my self back into the shower, away from the others and away from the world. I watched as the blood drizzled down my body and onto the white porcelian of the tub. The cold was biting my skin harshly and my teeth were chattering. I formed fists and tightened them. I had killed someone. It wasn't like when I had hit them and they got back up, that guy wasn't going to get back up. He was going to lay there still forever. Warm tears slid down my face as I clenched my fists tighter. I could feel my finger nails break the skin of my palms. I closed my eyes to stop from crying. I had to kill him. It was me or him, Parker or him. I shut off the water abruptly and stepped out of the shower. I grabbed the towel off the towel rack and dried up. I dressed in the very tight white shirt, jeans that were to big, and an overshirt that was like a parachute that Isabella had laid out for me. I walked out of the bathroom leaving the candle in there and made my way down stairs buttoning the third button from the top and leaving the rest undone.
"Thanks for the clothes." I muttered walking past Isabella.
"The t-shirt is mine I didn't think that any of Alessandro's would be fitting you." she walked over to her husband who stood by the broken front window.
"We can't stay here." he said looking over at me.
I snorted, "To bad where else are we gonna go."
Mallory walked out of the downstairs bathroom, her hand was bandaged. "I don't know." he answered.
"Look," Mallory said, "Our friends are coming for us. They went for help. When they get here then and only then are we leaving."
"Mallory, don't be such a fucking bitch." Parker interjected coming from the kitchen. "Look," she said turning to Alessandro, "Why don't you and Isabella go check on Iyari in the basement make sure she's okay, and give me and my friends a chance to talk." The couple looked one another in the eyes and nodded, walking over to the basement entrance and vanishing from sight.
"Iyari, whose that?" I asked.
"Their daughter she's like four or six I don't remember any way she's in the basement." Parker said moving to the sofa and taking a seat. "How's Kevin?" she asked looking over at Mallory.
"Better, the stitches helped. . . a lot, but I uh. . . think he might need blood. He's really disorientated." she said.
"Wait he's awake?" I asked.
"Yeah for about a half hour now, but he's not making any sense. He just keeps muttering about random things, 'Hilary Duff can so sing'. . . 'Why do they always kill off Mike Vogel' shit like that." she glanced over at Parker. "I'm not leaving here until Warren comes."
Parker sighed, "What do you want Mallory? Do you want me to tell you that--" Parker stood up and I spun around to look out the window. My car sped up to Courtney's house. I saw Parker take off to the basement entrance and Mallory run to the bathroom. I vaulted out through the broken window and toward Queen Bee. Warren and Scotty jumped out of the car.
"Over here!" I screamed they stopped in their tracks, turned to me and then a light was in my face. I couldn't see.
"Its okay, he's one of us." I heard Warren yell.
"Where are the others?" Scotty shouted and then he was next to me grabbing my shoulders tightly. I grabbed his hand and ran back to the Badia's house. Scott and Warren were both with me when I got inside Mallory had pulled Kevin out of the bathroom and Parker was back on from the basement with the entire Badia family including little Iyari, who was clinging to her mother. "Come on!" Scotty commanded. I saw them first racing toward us, there were so many of them.
"Holy shit!" I screamed, making my way back into the house. Parker fell and hit the coffee table hard knocking the candles down on the carpet. She stood up slowly and I fell on my back next to her. She helped me up as Warren went over to help Mallory with Kevin. The fire was getting worse as I finally stood.
"Get to the cars!" Scotty was yelling, They jumped through the window. I grabbed Parker and ran to the kitchen, making it to the back door. She swung it open and we ran into the backyard. We ran along the side and toward the Queen Bee, there was another car behind it a small old man was behind the wheel, and a black woman who looked not much older than me sat in the passenger seat. I ran to it, and opened the back door. Parker jumped in and as I was about to I saw Isabella stumble to the ground. Iyari was screaming as one of the others started pulling her away by the hair, her mother was trying to get the man on top of her off and get to her daughter at the same time. I closed the back door and ran over to them. I grabbed a pike from their broken picket fence and slammed it on the back of the guy that had a hold on Iyari. He didn't let go and he kept dragging her away. I threw it to the ground picked up a shard of wood instead and shoved it into his neck. He let go and turned to me, and fell. I grabbed Iyari and brought her back to the car with the Parker.
"Watch her." I commanded. Parker nodded and held onto her. I raced back Isabella's face was being pushed deep in the dirt and I ran up to him and with all my might rammed my knee into his jaw. The momentum knocked him off her and onto the stairs of the front portch. Isabella was spitting and coughing, as Alessandro fell to the ground beside her. I took the pipe he had in his hands from him, "Get her outta here!" I yelled, he nodded and took off toward one of the cars, dragging his wife with him. I spun around and swung the pipe at the woman that had knocked Alessandro down. She dodged it. I swung again, and she moved out of the way. When I swung the third time she grabbed it and tried to pull it from me, I slammed my knee in her gut and when she released it I smashed her head again and again with it until I heard a sickening thud. Kevin was on the floor in the burning house, I looked over to the cars. Where were Scotty, Warren, and Mallory? I ran into the house and grabbed Kevin, putting the pipe down. Scott and Warren were getting cornered by four of them and Mallory was being held against the wall by some guy twice her size. He had her off the ground, his hands around her neck. I pulled Kevin out onto the lawn and waved to the car.
The black woman and Parker jumped out of the car and raced toward the house. "We'll put him in the back." the black girl screamed, "George!" she yelled as I took off back inside, Mallory had gotten the upper hand and was getting up off the floor as the man shrieked in pain. I dove onto the back of one of Scott's attackers. He walked back and slammed me on the banister. I screamed out and let go, he turned to me picked me up and flung me on the stairs. I started to stand seeing Mallory pick up the pipe I had left on the floor. She swung it at his chin and connected.The fire was spreading and the large sofa we had sat on moments ago was now a blaze. I kicked my attacker in the gut sending him down the stairs and I ran up them. He followed. I dove into the bathroom with him on my tail I grabbed the candle in there and shoved it in his face. He screamed out. I grabbed the shower curtain rod and pulled it down. He was howling on the floor and when he opened his mouth I drove the curtain rod in his mouth. I felt it hit teeth and then the back of his throat. I pressed down hard and felt the soft tissue give way. When he stopped moving I ran down stairs. When I reached the first floor the fire was everywhere and Mallory was limping toward me. Scotty and Warren were standing up too. The four of us made our way outside. We moved to Queen Bee and got in.
I woke up as Parker screamed. When my eyes opened the front window was broken and they were inside. I saw Mallory close the bathroom door sealing herself and Kevin in. I immediatley stood and ran to Parker's side, I grabbed her hand and ran toward the kitchen. Parker's hand was gone and when I turned she had been knocked down. I grabbed a kitchen chair and smashed it over the back of Parker's attacker. He turned to me and tackled me to the floor. "Parker run!" I screamed, she stood up and looked around. I felt the guy on top of me scratching at my neck and then he was choking me. I smashed his head against the bathroom door once, twice, three times his grip tightened. Parker was crying now and I could see her start to panic. I shoved my tumb hard into my attacker's eye, as he squeezed my throat harder. Parker ran up the stairs. I felt his eye pop under the pressure of my thumb. He finally let go and shrieked raising his own hands to his empty socket. I coughed, placed my foot on his chest and pushed hard. He soared back and slammed into the wall. I stood up slowly and dove at the woman that had hold of Isabella. She fell to the ground and I was on top of her. I started to punch. Alessandro came over and grabbed his wife guiding her to the stairs. I kept punching as she let out a howls of pain. I didn't stop. I wouldn't stop. Her face was chop meat after three minutes and I saw the bathroom door get forced open. I stood up, the guy that had forced his way in let out a scream as I saw Mallory spraying hairspray into his eyes. I jumped over the coffee table and forced him away from the door. Mallory closed it quickly and I kneed the guy in the stomach and pushed him into the kitchen. It was the guy with one eye. I grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him to the back door. I opened and closed the door on his head until he stopped moving, and then sunk to the floor. I put my hands on my face and looked back into the living room. My hands were covered in blood and now my face was to, my neck was raw. I was finally catching my breath. I stood up slowly and walked over to the bathroom door, "Scotty doesn't know." I said hoarsely, the door opened slowly and inside was Mallory and Kevin who was still unconscious. He was sewn up and he had some of his color back. I looked at them and Mallory stood up off the floor.
"Oh my God. Are you okay?" she asked as I walked over to the stairs. I nodded and started up them toward the bedroom, my heart was still thumping hard in my chest as I reached the second floor. Mallory was still on the first floor, looking up at me. The only problem was that it wasn't me I was empty. I wasn't feeling anything. I was going on instinct. I knocked on the bedroom door.
"Open up." I said as I knocked on the door to the bedroom, Alessandro swung it open a lamp in hand.
"Jesus Christ, you scared me." he said as I looked in the room and behind him was Isabella and Parker. Parker was immediatley at my side wrapping her arms around me.
"I'm sorry. I freaked out. I didn't know what to do. I just. . . "she was crying.
"You did good." I strained to talk, my throat was killing me.
"What, but I ran." she said. She looked at me, and finally noticed all the blood, "Oh my God you're bleeding." she screamed out. I heard something break downstairs.
"Most of its not mine." I said, she held my hands and then I heard a small yelp. I took off, racing for the stairs and then down them. When I reached the landing Mallory had stabbed a piece of glass from the broken window into the head of the woman that I had punched. Mallory looked over at me, and then started back toward the bathroom. Alessandro was behind me, his hand on my shoulder.
"Go wash up, Isabella will give you some of my clothes to changing into." he said, I coughed a little and nodded. Turning back to the stairs I walked past Parker and into the upstairs bathroom, it was pitch black. I turned on the light, and stripped. I had small cuts on my knuckles and there was blood on my face, arms, and hands. I turned on the shower, and climbed in. The cold water woke me up and tensed my muscles. I was freezing but at least I was feeling. I heard the bathroom door open, I opened the curtain a little and it was Isabella coming in with a candle and clothes. She smiled at me and turned off the light the room dimmed to candle light as she left it on the sink and closed the door. I sealed my self back into the shower, away from the others and away from the world. I watched as the blood drizzled down my body and onto the white porcelian of the tub. The cold was biting my skin harshly and my teeth were chattering. I formed fists and tightened them. I had killed someone. It wasn't like when I had hit them and they got back up, that guy wasn't going to get back up. He was going to lay there still forever. Warm tears slid down my face as I clenched my fists tighter. I could feel my finger nails break the skin of my palms. I closed my eyes to stop from crying. I had to kill him. It was me or him, Parker or him. I shut off the water abruptly and stepped out of the shower. I grabbed the towel off the towel rack and dried up. I dressed in the very tight white shirt, jeans that were to big, and an overshirt that was like a parachute that Isabella had laid out for me. I walked out of the bathroom leaving the candle in there and made my way down stairs buttoning the third button from the top and leaving the rest undone.
"Thanks for the clothes." I muttered walking past Isabella.
"The t-shirt is mine I didn't think that any of Alessandro's would be fitting you." she walked over to her husband who stood by the broken front window.
"We can't stay here." he said looking over at me.
I snorted, "To bad where else are we gonna go."
Mallory walked out of the downstairs bathroom, her hand was bandaged. "I don't know." he answered.
"Look," Mallory said, "Our friends are coming for us. They went for help. When they get here then and only then are we leaving."
"Mallory, don't be such a fucking bitch." Parker interjected coming from the kitchen. "Look," she said turning to Alessandro, "Why don't you and Isabella go check on Iyari in the basement make sure she's okay, and give me and my friends a chance to talk." The couple looked one another in the eyes and nodded, walking over to the basement entrance and vanishing from sight.
"Iyari, whose that?" I asked.
"Their daughter she's like four or six I don't remember any way she's in the basement." Parker said moving to the sofa and taking a seat. "How's Kevin?" she asked looking over at Mallory.
"Better, the stitches helped. . . a lot, but I uh. . . think he might need blood. He's really disorientated." she said.
"Wait he's awake?" I asked.
"Yeah for about a half hour now, but he's not making any sense. He just keeps muttering about random things, 'Hilary Duff can so sing'. . . 'Why do they always kill off Mike Vogel' shit like that." she glanced over at Parker. "I'm not leaving here until Warren comes."
Parker sighed, "What do you want Mallory? Do you want me to tell you that--" Parker stood up and I spun around to look out the window. My car sped up to Courtney's house. I saw Parker take off to the basement entrance and Mallory run to the bathroom. I vaulted out through the broken window and toward Queen Bee. Warren and Scotty jumped out of the car.
"Over here!" I screamed they stopped in their tracks, turned to me and then a light was in my face. I couldn't see.
"Its okay, he's one of us." I heard Warren yell.
"Where are the others?" Scotty shouted and then he was next to me grabbing my shoulders tightly. I grabbed his hand and ran back to the Badia's house. Scott and Warren were both with me when I got inside Mallory had pulled Kevin out of the bathroom and Parker was back on from the basement with the entire Badia family including little Iyari, who was clinging to her mother. "Come on!" Scotty commanded. I saw them first racing toward us, there were so many of them.
"Holy shit!" I screamed, making my way back into the house. Parker fell and hit the coffee table hard knocking the candles down on the carpet. She stood up slowly and I fell on my back next to her. She helped me up as Warren went over to help Mallory with Kevin. The fire was getting worse as I finally stood.
"Get to the cars!" Scotty was yelling, They jumped through the window. I grabbed Parker and ran to the kitchen, making it to the back door. She swung it open and we ran into the backyard. We ran along the side and toward the Queen Bee, there was another car behind it a small old man was behind the wheel, and a black woman who looked not much older than me sat in the passenger seat. I ran to it, and opened the back door. Parker jumped in and as I was about to I saw Isabella stumble to the ground. Iyari was screaming as one of the others started pulling her away by the hair, her mother was trying to get the man on top of her off and get to her daughter at the same time. I closed the back door and ran over to them. I grabbed a pike from their broken picket fence and slammed it on the back of the guy that had a hold on Iyari. He didn't let go and he kept dragging her away. I threw it to the ground picked up a shard of wood instead and shoved it into his neck. He let go and turned to me, and fell. I grabbed Iyari and brought her back to the car with the Parker.
"Watch her." I commanded. Parker nodded and held onto her. I raced back Isabella's face was being pushed deep in the dirt and I ran up to him and with all my might rammed my knee into his jaw. The momentum knocked him off her and onto the stairs of the front portch. Isabella was spitting and coughing, as Alessandro fell to the ground beside her. I took the pipe he had in his hands from him, "Get her outta here!" I yelled, he nodded and took off toward one of the cars, dragging his wife with him. I spun around and swung the pipe at the woman that had knocked Alessandro down. She dodged it. I swung again, and she moved out of the way. When I swung the third time she grabbed it and tried to pull it from me, I slammed my knee in her gut and when she released it I smashed her head again and again with it until I heard a sickening thud. Kevin was on the floor in the burning house, I looked over to the cars. Where were Scotty, Warren, and Mallory? I ran into the house and grabbed Kevin, putting the pipe down. Scott and Warren were getting cornered by four of them and Mallory was being held against the wall by some guy twice her size. He had her off the ground, his hands around her neck. I pulled Kevin out onto the lawn and waved to the car.
The black woman and Parker jumped out of the car and raced toward the house. "We'll put him in the back." the black girl screamed, "George!" she yelled as I took off back inside, Mallory had gotten the upper hand and was getting up off the floor as the man shrieked in pain. I dove onto the back of one of Scott's attackers. He walked back and slammed me on the banister. I screamed out and let go, he turned to me picked me up and flung me on the stairs. I started to stand seeing Mallory pick up the pipe I had left on the floor. She swung it at his chin and connected.The fire was spreading and the large sofa we had sat on moments ago was now a blaze. I kicked my attacker in the gut sending him down the stairs and I ran up them. He followed. I dove into the bathroom with him on my tail I grabbed the candle in there and shoved it in his face. He screamed out. I grabbed the shower curtain rod and pulled it down. He was howling on the floor and when he opened his mouth I drove the curtain rod in his mouth. I felt it hit teeth and then the back of his throat. I pressed down hard and felt the soft tissue give way. When he stopped moving I ran down stairs. When I reached the first floor the fire was everywhere and Mallory was limping toward me. Scotty and Warren were standing up too. The four of us made our way outside. We moved to Queen Bee and got in.
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