Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chapter 19 Rushed and Rushed

Parker POV
"Okay so maybe running wasn't the best idea but I didn't hear you come up with anything better as we were rushing out of there!" I shouted back and I was right, so I had panicked big deal I am a girl and a girl's allowed to get a little freaked out after about twenty psychotics try to corner you and shred you apart.
"So you have no idea where we are?" Mallory asked me for like the millionth time. I wanted to hit her.
"No and guess what if we are still in this spot an hour from now, I STILL WON'T KNOW WHERE WE ARE!" I threw my arms up in the air, boy am I ever so pissed.
"Okay! I was just checking, seeing as you were the one pulling me the past what was it five miles!" Mallory was as angry as I was but I felt like I had more right to be. I went and saved her life and she was acting all snippety because she didn't know where she was, hmmph. In all fairness I was as lost as a kid in the grocery store but I didn't want to argue about it.
"Look Mal what do you want me to say, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight anymore. Plus I think all this screaming is going to draw attention to us." That was when I saw the most beautiful thing ever, "Mallory holy shit look a car!" Well actually it was a van and it was driving toward us, Mallory turned around to see my truth and then spun back to me a smile glued to her face.
"Look just let me do all the talking." Mallory said and though I was slightly offended I agreed. The van slowed about three feet from us and then two guys jumped out. Mallory jumped back as they surged toward us and the one guy grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me to him, sneering all the while. I kicked my foot hard at his shin and he let go and then raised my knee up to meet his face, when his body jolted upright I swung the back of my hand at his face connecting he staggered to the pavement as another man came out of the van. Mallory was taking care of the guy trying to abduct her she had her nails permanentley attached to sides of his face trying to peel the skin off his face like a Halloween mask. The guy that lunged from was in front of me so fast but I brought my leg up and kicked him square in the stomach then cocked my hand back and slapped him clear across the face he went to his knees. Yes, I cheered to myself, Stephanie McMahon Helmsely bitch slap. That was when I was taken by surprise from my rear and thrown in the van. My attacker was on top of me and pressing his body against mine. I screamed and then my hands were bound, my mouth was gagged and Mallory was next to me unconscious. I kicked with all my might and one of my attackers fell out of the car but I met a mean punch to the face soon afterward that subdued me quite a bit. My feet were tied now to and in the dark van I made out the shape of five men, one the driver and four others. A part of me felt a little proud of myself it had taken four men to bring down us two girls, but in the back of my head I knew that in the position we were in it would only take one of them to make either of us a victim. Where are you Kevin? I wondered.

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