Chapter 13 Scavengers
Point of View Aaron
"Alright now everyone staying in pairs. Mallory and Aaron, Scotty and Lacheya, Alessandro your with me. Now remember what your here for the Wal-Mart is big, so don't get lost or separated. Mallory and Aaron clothes, Lacheya and Scotty food, Alessandro and I will check the place out for weapons." Warren ordered and the took off toward the tool department. I looked over at Scotty trying to read him but it was useless.
"We should get batteries too." Mallory said grabbing a cart and throwing almost the entire shelf into it.
"Yeah, fine." I said grabbing hold of my own cart and started to grab some children's clothes for Iyari.
"What do you think about bags?" Mallory asked walking over to the back packs and purses. "You know have everyone responsible for their own clothes and stuff."
I nodded and she started to pile a few different duffel bags, back packs, and purses into her cart. That's when I started to hear it, "Do you hear that?" I asked. Looking for where the tune was coming from.
"Hear what?" Mallory asked looking over at me, the song was so familiar. I grabbed a few t-shirts for the girls, and threw them into the cart looking toward the electronics department.
"Its coming from there." I said nodding toward the back of the store.
"What is?" she asked walking over to me and putting her hand on my shoulder, "Sweetie are you okay? You don't look so good."
"I know that song." I said walking to the back.
"Aaron, don't go." Mallory commanded, as I walked a few steps away from her.
The words drifted to my ears and in my head. The music was entrancing, something so familiar and foreign. I knew the words what she would sing next, the the music had already started but she hadn't begun to sing yet,
"I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend"
I sang the song barely above a whisper, my heart racing as I walked further toward the electronics department where I felt I was being pulled Mallory was talking trying to stop me but I kept going.
"And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be"
Scotty jumped into my mind as I walked further into the store leaving the carts behind. I felt like I was walking for an eternity, like everything around me was going in slow motion.
"What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last"
I reached my destination and saw it on the television Sally's Song, being sung by Fiona Apple. I watched the screen dance with color, as the song finished,
"And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one."
As the song finished a feeling washed over me, and dread filled my soul crushing my spirits to the ground. I turned to face Mallory. "What the hell was that?" She inquired.
"I don't know." I answered and then rushed forward pushing her to the ground as the man behind her went to swing the bat at her head. She hit the floor and the bat connected with my left shoulder I screamed out in pain as Mallory started to get to her feet. A girl jumped out from behind the cashier counter, and scurried over it to aid aid the guy who had hit me with the bat. He swung again but missed instead toppling over and destroying a large amount of Cd's. I moved down the next aisle clutching my shoulder as he swung again the girl tripped me and I fell hard onto the linoleum. I let out another scream as Scotty tackled the guy to the floor.
"Arden run!" the guy screamed and the girl went to take off but Mallory grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back throwing her onto the floor next to my attacker. Scotty stood up.
"Hold it!" he boomed and the girl and guy straightened up. "Your people?" Scotty asked looking confused as Warren and the others finally came.
"What the fuck are you talking about are we people? Of course we're fucking people!" the girl shouted. I stood.
"Arden," the guy said, "They aren't like the others." he said tugging on her shirt. She stared at Scotty a second and then cooled down, "I'm Ronan. This is Arden. Who the hell are you?" he asked.
"I'm Aaron." I said holding out a hand to help him up. He took it and then helped the girl up. He gave me a weary smile.
"I'm Scotty, that's Mallory, Warren, Lacheya, and Alessandro. Now why the hell did you attack our friend?" he spat fiercely.
"We thought he was one of those things." Arden piped in standing in front of her brother.
"Yeah well, I'm not." I said.
"You okay?" Scotty asked walking over to me and whispering his concerns I nodded and he touched my shoulder lightly. "You sure?" he questioned.
I nodded again, "I good." he nodded and walked over to his brother Mallory walked over to me sizing up Little Miss Hardcore Arden.
"Can you believe them?" she whispered to me.
"Yes." I said.
"So what are you guys doing here?" Warren asked, he was holding a hunting knife.
"We could ask you the same question you're the ones barging into our hiding place." Ronan answered.
"So what your staying here?" Lacheya asked.
"Thats what they said isn't it." I snapped rolling my eyes, I hate stupid people.
"Yeah, no, I mean so far yes but we only stayed the night. We were sorta figuring out what to do next." Ronan answered walking over to Warren. "Where are you guys headed?" he asked.
"The school a couple of us are held up there. We're just looking for some supplies food, clothes, weapons things like that." Warren said.
"Mind if we come with?" Ronan asked, looking over at his sister waiting for her objection.
Warren looked at the rest of us, "There's plenty of room at the school." I said, smiling as genuinely as possible.